Greeting's TAW members, Bamsen here with a little update on whats going on in the World of Warcraft.
Mist Of Pandaria's launcher on Tuesday which bring our launch day event, which starts Sunday 5PM EST & Last three day's until Tuesday 3AM when the servers come down, and we all wait in the dark for them to come back up with over expected six million members will log in and create a panda! The launch event will take place in our public channel at the top of Teamspeak.
Prizes: Pets gift cards + more!
WORLD PVP is back! which basically means if you are a leader of a group you make a 40 man and EVERYONE comes to your parent realm [server]
here is just a taste of things to come in Mists Of Pandaria enjoy the video
REALMS: Our team has worked on three realms to make the net a little wider to were, we recruit and what type of server we are, Quel Thalas [PVE] Sargeras [PVP /PVE] Kill'Jaden [PVE]
So long and thanks for all the fish!
Bamsen - Captain
World Of Warcraft Commanding Officer