For those who missed it or haven't checked their email yet, the latest issue of From The Battlefield has arrived. It tells the story of one of TAW's most successful divisions.
A division that recruited many including myself, into TAW's ranks.
The edition also has the latest TAW Tactical Briefing from Xenokilla.
Click Here to View From The Battlefield - Quake Wars
Be sure to Subscribe to the TAW Newsletter after your done.
Also, to get a scope of what Quake Wars has brought to our great community, here is a list of notable past & present day members that originated from Quake Wars.
Hook - Former Commander-in-Chief
Bravehardt - Army Commander
Feanor - Former Vanguard Commander
Large Format - Former BF3 Division Commander
Rinko - Former BF3 Field Specialist
Dogstar - 2nd Corps Commander
Ekis - Nuclear Dawn Division Commander
Kingcheese - Vanguard Lt. Commander
DirtyDozen - Nuclear Dawn Division Officer
Wiemauler - 1st Corps Lt. Commander
We salute its 5 Year mark as a Division and look forward to to its continued success in the future.
Also be sure to wish DeadXOn a Happy Birthday who turns 27 today :P