The War Z is a Post-apocalyptic Zombie Survival Game it is played in both first and third person. The main object in this game is to survive and later on in the game to PVP and kill other players.
Meeting the Neighbours
With the members of TAW though, what we try to do is protect the new people that just got the game and don’t have anything yet. We will also try to hunt bandits and thugs for these are the people that kill other people with nothing just because they can.
We do have some thugs in the clan but that’s for being shot at by new people and able to return fire.
The game is really fun no matter what you have heard about it and as of right now it’s cheap at $15.00. The game is still in beta but if you pay the $15 now you don’t have to pay whatever the big price will be when it is actually released.
The main 4 things we are focusing on right now is:
1) Recruiting
2) Getting GC donations to clan (currency you can buy) need this to get more member slots in the clan
3) Protecting the new members that can’t protect themselves
4) Getting our Stronghold going (it is a clan base on a private server that clan members can hang out in and look at clan vault)
Anyone interested in the game and wanting to know more should contact Kronos as SUL or drop into the WarZ channels in Vanguard under the Horizon division.
MAJ Kronos
WarZ Spin Up Leader
hmm... is it still that buggered? Because i only heard bad things about it ...