The Gree Event Ends, and a new planet is on the horizon- Makeb, inhabited by the Cathar
The alien species Gree have landed upon Ilum! During the past two weeks, Ilum's old battlegrounds of player-versus-player open-world war were dominated by players seeking reputation trinkets with the Gree for fantastic-looking TRON-like armor and weapons. Star Wars spanned the planets with new missions and data-gathering enhancements that will reiterate time to time throughout the year. With huge world bosses and challenging robot operations, the players were pitted against each other singly or in groups or sometimes even mutual collaboration to get the job done. Secrets and lore were uncovered, and now the community has new toys and pets and skills to get ready for...
Makeb, the new planet coming this spring (most likely, spring break). The new planet will be inhabited by the cat-like species "Cathar" which will also be a player-available species to choose from in character creation. The new missions and quests on Makeb will be available for all, rather than specific for each of the eight classes, and include a new companion to win favor with. While I'm personally hoping for a Catwoman or Black Cat, perhaps there's a little Lion-O in the future- either way, the companion in question will be an unbiased romance option.
The player level will be increased to 55 and the new operation called "Scum and Villany" will focus upon defeating the Hutt's stranglehold upon Makeb. The Player Test Server is up now- Get in there and start trying out the newest content a month early. Characters transfer one at a time to the test server, but you may have up to 12 transferred in total. Our SWTOR NA division is making a test-server guild; the more presence we have on the test server for our guild, the better recognition we get from the developers and from the community.
In the distant future, we are told right from the developers and from Jeff Hickman that a Guild Update is coming this year which will greatly enhance the features and benefits of guild life. Guild perks are coming and we are saving the credits to be able to plunge into the best Star Wars can offer.
May the Force be with you always,