For an upcoming edition, we're looking for all map makers from the different games we support in TAW. I know in ARMA and in GRAW there are map makers and I am sure there are a lot of others.
Looking to write about how to get started, common mistakes,tricks and tips, etc. This could become a regular/repeating piece with enough content <--goal.
If you, or someone you know makes maps please contact me to be a part of this exciting project.
Cherrylanekilla [OSM STL]
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I usel to make maps for games like quake / c&c and more, now i have taking upp gaming again playing Starcraft and want to learn how to make maps. Just made some testmaps. So anyone interested ?
I am interested in having you on our panel of experts :)
I've made few ARMA missions and would be interested also
I make Minecraft Maps, Dajaroo makes Minecraft Maps, Most People in Minecraft Make Minecraft Maps :D
I want to make missions in arma2-3 but ive never gotten into scripting+ai so my missions were always basic, Am hoping/planning a group of missions for the Arma Division but i need some advice/wiki's to work on scripts and AI
if anyone is familiar please message me
Far Cry series (current part 3) there has always been mapeditor. Inside our division we several members who build maps. For instance now we have mapcontest running. See these posts in our forum:
This sounds pretty interesting - I'm definitely up for being involved. Do you plan to make this a game-specific series or are you looking for more generic content on the fundamentals of design and map making?
I think the first thing you should have is a clear idea of your map/mission design. It is ok to work off the top of your mind but it usually takes longer to come to a finished product. Also, research techniques used by others that impress you, and see if you can build from it. Another important one is to avoid common oversights, I.e. Poorly placed spawns, unbalanced maps, limited detail, etc... But best of all, take your time, and it will show!
does this mean compiling tutorials on how to do things? :o
assuming map making not limited to just FC3,ARMA, etc...
I deal in sorts of SC2 and HL.
I just started mapping (CS: GO) a couple of weeks ago, so I'm interested in a followup!
I've used to make maps for StarCraft, Age of Empires II, Heroes 3 and Warcraft 3 way back. That was 10-15 years ago. Already uploaded one of them for AoE II on steam workshop :)
I can make for nexuiz but we dont play that one...
hey I have make a map for arma 2 and need help with making one for arma 3