Happy New Year! The next edition of 'From the Battlefield' is out!
We are entering our fourth year of publicaiton and subscriptions are over 460.
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Cherry [OSM STL]
Neseroth [OSM STA]
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Something big is happening in The Art of Warfare soon: we elect a new Commander in Chief! This is when you all get to decide who is the head of TAW. The date has not yet been set for this year's big event. We can say it will happen in about 2-3 weeks time, so keep your eyes peeled.
A CIC election only happens every 2 years and is a very special event in TAW. First, there is a candidate selection process. Next, members are allowed to send in questions and candidates are to present their qualifications and an interview process happens. After a few more interviews and an election officer is appointed, voting happens.
Some key things to note:
A candidate for the CIC position must be a CC (central command) member who has held their position for at least 6 months.
The new CIC has two weeks to change around the CC staff however they please. This can mean CC members lose their positions outright or are moved to different ones. There’s also the possibility of division office members getting promoted to CC if spots are vacant and the CIC deems them worthy.
Usually, the entire process is over with by February and the new CIC is fully settled in.
If you’re interested in getting more information or exact details of how the process works, check out the wiki page: http://taw.net/wikis/policy/1-1-section-8-commander-in-chief-voting-procedure.aspx
The improvements on Headsets over the years have been very minor in terms of technology.
Higher quality sound and cordless with lots of cool colours is pretty much the end of it, but that is about to change. Streamz Media just announced that they will produce the world's first “smart” headset that will solve problems with cables and give new sound opportunities.
The world’s first Smart headphones with integrated Bluetooth, WIFI, HIFI streaming music player and storage. STREAMZ plays all of your music and audio including onboard stored music, streaming music from music services such as Pandora, streaming music from your smart phone and with an optional interface module from an AV Receiver.
The name of the headphones are not very creative, Streamz Smart Headphones, but the prodduct is. They contain a fully functional ARM 1,6 Ghz processor in combination with Android OS. They also contain 4 GB internal storage with the option to ad 32 GB with a Micro SD, also a connection for wireless network 802.11bg/n and Bluetooth 3.0.
This makes it possible to play audio in 48 kHz/16-bit from the internal storage, but also wireless from a external source. It works with iPhone, Android, Windows and OS X.
The Headphones have a frequency of 20 Hz to 20 kHz with two 50 mm membranes and a 160 mW amplifier. It also got built in buttons for Volume, Play, Pause and next/skip track. You can also buy a Bluetooth-adapter to stream music from other sources.
Streamz Smart Headphones will hit the market in 2014 and be available for about $549.
Three Pieces of Fast Short news!
Steam hits new record with 7,5 million users online at the same time
Samsung Galaxy S5 will most likely have 2560x1440p
Sapphire starts selling GPU+Motherboard Bundles to budget prices
Mechwarrior Online has been going pretty well thus far despite the lack of new features from PGI. The division has stayed strong around 40+ members with new ones coming in semi-regularly.Mainly MWO is waiting for Jan/Feb 2014 for the new private match system to be added to MWO so we can begin TAW tourneys, award prizes, create tabs and begin taking part in the larger community warfare system.In the more recent months we have been working on our wiki page and have begun to flesh out our initial designs for some new badges to be awarded on the TAW site.Here is a YouTube line from MWO's very own Chaixuan the NA division SO. Here he is playing with Sintax, RichardTyson and IV corps very own Subrat in a pretty good example of MWO 4 man game play.Basically look forward to early 2014 where new major features like User Interface 2.0 will alter the layout of the launcher and how you customize mechs and skills. After that we have private lobbies, weight limits and our first step into community warfare.The major announcement though from PGI is the clan package which is on sale now and will release in June 2014.Basically keep an eye on MWO, the game is steadily becoming better and next year is set to be a big one for a game that has admittedly stumbled on occasion but it's still one of the best games out there.
What's your callsign?
Let's get to know you – can you describe yourself in five words?
Solitary, kind, weird, pragmatic, artistic.
Tell us about your history in TAW.
My first encounter with TAW was when I was playing ET:Quake Wars in 2007. I was in a different clan back then but I do remember fighting with and against TAW on numerous occasions. After I started playing Planet Side2, I realized that I had to pick a team in order to fully embrace the game's potential, hence joining TAW. I've been part of TAW for about 6 months and I've met quite the bunch of interesting individuals along the way.
What was your initial impression of TAW?
Positive and I still have a predominantly positive opinion about this gaming community.
Tell us about your division, and what you do there.
I'm from the Planet Side 5 division [PS5]. The guys here are really cool to each other and we're having a lot of fun almost on a daily basis. Of course we do have our ups and downs but that's a indisputable fact of life. I hold the rank of lance corporal in TAW, meaning that I'm a humble peasant with zero responsibilities, I'm also a training instructor in Planet Side2. In-game wise I'm being perceived as the dedicated combat medic in my division.
What would you like someone considering joining TAW to know?
The connection that one may establish among a group of random people with different background, age, gender and so on but sharing a common interest.
Do you have any special hobbies or activities outside of TAW?
I'm really passionate about 3d modeling, painting and traditional sculpting. I enjoy hiking with my mates and I'm also a movie junkie.
If you could change one thing about TAW, what would it be?
The lack of information when it comes to dishonorably discharging fellow members because I have had a negative experience in my division in that regard.
Tell us about some of the people you've met during your time in TAW.
There are so many things that I could enlist but I wouldn't know where to begin so in a nutshell I'm lucky to share my spare time playing video games with this crazy bunch of characters also known as [PS5].
What's your favourite thing about TAW?
That it's not taking itself too seriously as a organization.
How does TAW affect your offline life?
Two words; sleep deprivation;) Some times I'm having so much fun with the other guys that I forget that I have to get up early for work and not look like crap. I still haven't found that perfect balance between my real life and TAW but it's a work in progress.
What might our readers be surprised to know about you?
I have a mild to moderate case of ADHD, I look like a younger version of Fidel Castro and I have a few tattoos.
What's your favourite retro videogame? Why?
SW: Dark Forces2 Jedi knight. That game really had a huge impact on my life because I started to explore my artistic side which I wasn't aware of at that time. I still have mountains of my early sketches and drawings from that same game and in addition to that I have lots of fond memories of playing this game with my older brother, so it has a great nostalgic value for both me and him.
If you could choose any TAW member to be stranded on a desert island with, who would it be and why?
Without doubt, that would be "PsYcHoTiCMaDmAn"! Not only does is he have a degree in science but he also has mastered the craft of cooking which will prove to be a invaluable perk in such a dire situation. I told you that I am pragmatic;)
Do you admire any celebrities? Why or why not?
I admire people with progressive way of thinking that contribute to society. Even the smallest act of compassion can have a huge impact on a grander scale. Therefore I consider celebrities, people that are willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good like Galileo Galilei.
Who do you believe is going to be the most influential figure in gaming in the next three years?
I have no idea but I hope profit greed won't be the reason for his/hers position of influence in the entertainment industry. .
For their time, effort and dedication, this member will be awarded our In-The-Scope member tab for completing the interview.
Click members to view dossiers and divisions to view rosters.
Vanguard Command
MGN Kingcheese- VC
BGN Wardy - VLC
MAJ IceDogg- DO
Vanguard Timeline
11/24/2013 Battlefield 4 - 171 members and Digital Combat Simulator - 33 members launched
11/08/2013 Guns of Icarus - 32 members and Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn - 40 members launched
09/08/2013 Arma 3 - 170 members and Company of Heroes 2 - 70 members launched
08/04/2013 Ghost Recon Online - 51 members launched
06/30/2013 Hawken - 35 members, Mechwarrior Online - 40 members, Neverwinter Online - 85 members, Smite - 95 members, Defiance - 53 members all launch settling a new Vanguard and TAW record for games launched at one time.
01/28/2013 Planetside 2 - 248 members & Natural Selection 2 - 70ish members launches
14 Divisions with 1193 members launched out of Vanguard in 2013.
Be sure to check out the Vanguard Wiki Page and see the full Timeline and the Hall of Fame.
From Our Fearless Leader
Before we look with excitement and anticipation to 2014, first we have to look back on what has been achieved in 2013. For Vanguard it was a time of transition, a time to restructure and reorganize the Vanguard Corp.
Goals for 2013
The perception of Vanguard needed to change. It needed to become more open and approachable to the TAW community which it served.
It needed a new system to make it more flexible in its approach to games.
It needed to be able to substantially increase the number of spin up teams as the situation demanded it. (There should not be a cap, if a game is good enough and there is enough interest it should get a chance)
It needed dedicated leaders who are part of the teams and would remain (in most) case when the team launched.
It needed defined requirements for the spin up teams to help make it clear what the requirements were from the outset.
I feel I can confidently say all of these goals have been fulfilled. With the creation of the horizon division (and division staff) along with new position of SUL and a tier system, Vanguard has been served well this year and been able to successfully launch more games that it has done previously and as a consequence is well placed for the year ahead.
This is probably a good time to take note and thank everyone who has been involved in helping Vanguard adapt to the times in 2013. Therefore a big thank you goes to Wardy, Ikon and IceDogg. You guys made a big contribution to making these goals a reality and set some tough records to be beaten. Also would like to thank Brave and Sooner whom without their trust none of this could have happened. Also thanks to all the OS guys and everyone who stepped up as SUL or any staff position in a spin up team. Without you guys resolving IT issues or stepping up as staff we could never get the teams up and running in the first place.
MGN Kingcheese
Vanguard Commander
Trail Blazing and Kicking Down Doors
BF4 - Showing everyone how it's done.
The BF team is one of the two teams that for me impressed the most in 2013. This was a team that still had relatively high number of members from BF3 when it was looking to move to BF4. Therefore I was very impressed with the organization and communication which was so slick that it made the made the transition into Vanguard smooth and drama free and led to a short spin up time before re launch. All the BF staff and members deserve praise for how they conducted themselves for the benefit of their team. Well done guys and girls. A very special thanks has to go to TexasHillbilly for the example he set, for how he led this team through the transition from BF3 to BF4. With his effort I am sure this process would have taken longer.
The Little Division That Could
DCS - Digital Combat Simulator. This has got to be one of the most resilient Divisions that have launched out of Vanguard. While they share the same launch date as BF4, the story behind them that enabled them to launch out of Vanguard was a remarkable one.
When IceDogg joined the Vanguard Staff, he was assigned with helping DCS get going. At this point DCS was on the verge of being shut down and had roughly 9 days until the door would have been closed. IceDogg guided the staff in the right direction giving them realistic goals. While Insignia stepped up and showed that he had what it takes to lead his team, Harryward went to work heavily recruiting. After months of training and recruiting, they were ready to launch out of Vanguard. The amazing comeback that this team accomplished is definitely something that should be noted as INCREDIBLE. This comes to show you that, no matter what the outlook may appear to be, there is always hope if you have the people that are willing to dedicate the time and effort to make it work. A big Hoorah for, Insignia, Harryward, Ravenger, and the DCS Division for not giving up and sticking through the hard times.
Major IceDogg
Special Thanks
DeadXOn - Outstanding job with the graphic pertaining to teams within Vanguard.
Bravehardt - For a speedy job when time to create the forums, and wikis for teams within Vanguard.
SoonerOKC - Contribution in resolving IT issues and supporting Bravehardt with the Vanguard workload.
Confident, Anal-retentive, bald, bearded, tattooed
Just want to keep it short and sweet. Joined in April 2004 in the Battle Field Division. Transferred to Delta Force Division shortly after. Positions Held Delta Force - DI Delta Force - HDI Delta Force - Match Coordinator World of Warcraft - XO World of Warcraft - SO World of Warcraft - CO World of Warcraft - DO Vanguard - DO Digital Combat Simulator - SUL/DC Call of Duty: Ghost - SUL/DC 10 YEAR CLUB BOUND.
When I joined TAW, I thought, "What is wrong with all these freaking obsessive morons?" But, after a couple practice nights, I fell in love and never looked back since.
Vanguard Division - Currently I'm the Division Officer (the low man on the totem pole). In Vanguard we look for potential games to be brought into TAW and spun-up. My primary focus in the Horizon Division within Vanguard. Here in Horizon we help games find leadership, help with any aspects of admin that might need to be done.
TAW isn't for everyone. If you're a sailor, you won't fit in. But, if you can control yourself, most people find that they love it and call this place home.
Cooking, PS4 Gaming, Bar hopping with friends.
While there are several things that I would like changed, but one of the most annoying things to me is the attendance system. Not the whole thing, but maybe have it a little more strict. Too many times have I seen people that come to 1 practice a month and then get's promotions and medals. Logging in once a month keeps their TS account active and doesn't show on the inactive list.
Other, than my real life friends that I have brought to TAW, I haven't met any other TAW members. So many live near me. NORTH DALLAS.
The wide range of people and cultures. I learn new things all the time because of the variety of "Characters" TAW has.
It doesn't affect me like it did so many years ago. I use to let it stress me out and finally learned that once I'm off TS, TAW is turned off.
Co Founder of Dirty *** Central.
Space Invaders
Any TAW Member. Because when it comes down to it. I would eat them before they ate me.
NNo. Celebrities in most cases have psychological issues. Look at Brittney Spears, Michael Jackson, Charley Sheen. Now, yes all are outstanding in their fields, they have way too many screws loose. No one, IMO, should idol celebrities. Now liking what performance they might do is one thing, but saying I want to be like them is like saying I want to dangle your kid from a balcony while shaving your head and beating your wife. Enjoy.
There is not way to really tell. While a lot of things look so promising, that isn't always the case. It's best not to make the prediction and just wait and see how things play out.
The Only Dota FPS King.
MI got my initial start in Taw by surfing the forums trying to find a community of people who play DOTA casually. A few weeks later I had already been a DI, TI, TS, FS, SO, and XO. As we launched into a division I was given the CO spot of the NA giving a big recruitment push. After a couple of months our DC stepped down and I got moved into the DO position and before I knew it Cheese and Wardy honed in and snatched me away to Vanguard.Since then I have had the opportunity to work with many members and games inside of Taw giving insight of how to recruit and develop divisions into successful well oiled machines. Now I am looking forward to helping out with the ESO online team in the near future. :)
To many rules to be honest, I was a bit overwhelmed with all of the policy and such.
Currently the Division Commander of the Horizon Division. I help develop and look over starting new team, but this role is a bit different compared to other DC positions. I also will continue on with a team when they are launched into a full spin up team in Vanguard being one of the main contacts for NA. That is why at almost any given moment in the past 4 months I had 2 to 3 teams under my name.
Not everyone is as hard or strict as the introduction depicts. At the end of the day it is a well nit gaming community and if you are accepted in it will be some fun times with good people.
I enjoy golf, tennis, and watching sports
Retire Brave, KingCheese, and Wardy. (Just kidding, read my grump for a good laugh) Honestly the biggest burned of this clan is the website + recruiting process.
There are all walks of life inside of TAW. Weather it be someone whose birthday is every practice, or someone who wants to make sure everything gets done to a T, or a "Ten minute Talk"
The fact that I get the opportunity to make a majority of the NA side of vanguard life easier and not have to worry about petty things.
I dedicate a good amount of time to TAW and have been a bit more laid back these past few weeks due to getting so many games out and having a small charge of new games. I'm still working up the courage to tell my current girl friend that this is something that I do a few hours a week. :P
I actually want a professional game and made roughly 25k in competitive gaming and had the majority of my gear paid for through sponsorship. Games consisted of CS 1.5/1.6, Guild Wars, AvA, and Dota. My past teams consist of Check Six (x6), Numero Uno Clan (NUC), xlr8, Dinos, Area 51 (a51), Divine Talent
Anything nintendo. I am a hard core Zelda and Mario fan. I bought the Wii just so I could play skyward sword all the way through
Saul, Wedges, & Rukudo, See signature on ts for details
No, they give a bad impression on society today.
Gabe Newell with out a doubt. Owner of Valve and even if you are not a Dota 2 fan just check out what they are doing for e-sports in general. It was literally like watching sports center but for Dota 2. He will continue to make strides.
Describe myself in five words? I'd have to say I'm Determined, Loyal, Direct, Honest and a Leader (Not to be confused with Boss!).
I started my career in TAW as a member in the World of Tanks, a short while later, I stepped up to be the Training Specialist for the EU battalion (at the time I also doubled as a Drill Instructor due to lack of members in the DI office). About a month later I became the Staff Officer for the EU battalion, but had to put on leave 2 months later as I was still in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force) at the time and was deployed due to rising tensions on certain fronts. I remained in Active deployment for 6 months after which I was honorably discharged at the rank of Rav-Seren (The Israeli equivalent of Major). After a month I was reinstated to the Smite Division and was stumped again by real life issues. I was then discharged from TAW. I still visited the TeamSpeak Server as a guest when I had the time to keep up with friends and one day as I logged in to catch up with friends - my best friend in TAW (To this very day!) Tigerfang, let me know that TAW was looking for an experienced SO to help spin-up the Word of Warplanes Division. I contacted Tazmanian - the SUL for that division, got reinstated, and now I am the Executive Officer [and now the CO] for the EU battalion in World of Warplanes.
When I just joined TAW I was looking for people to play World of Tanks with, and someone in-game suggested I'd check out the TAW website (I can't to this very day remember who that was). when I saw the Code of Ethics and the Policy I was hooked immediately! There are many clans out there - non of which are as organized and managed as TAW.
World of Warplanes is the 2nd title from Wargaming - the 1st being World of Tanks. We are currently in spinup as the game was only recently released from Beta. The job of an Officer in a spinup Division is rather different than that of an officer holding the same position in an active division; One must on the lookout for members to fill up key positions (both field leadership like SL\PL and Officers) while recruiting in game, looking for active members in other divisions who might join yours, building the wikis, setting up the BootCamp manual for you division (while working closely with your counterpart from the other Battalion) - it's not an easy job, but luckily I have TigerFang at my side to help me, and Tazmanian as my SUL to guide me.
TAW was here before, and is here to stay! If you are looking for more than your normal everyday clan, TAW is the place to be!
My best friend in TAW and one of the best people I've met in general is Tigerfang - he joined World of Tanks shortly after I did, and we became good friends from day one - we worked on training sessions for other members, played hours upon hours together and developed a sixth sense while playing together - each one knew what the other one is going to do without saying a word - something that still serves as in World of Warplanes! Another friendly person I got to meet was Tazmanian - my current SUL - it is rare to find someone with so much commitment - no only does he lead the spinup - he commands Sentinal, is in charge of the TAW university and still manages to be a father and husband! I also got to meet with KingCheese, the Commander for Vanguard and yet another link in my chain of command - KingCheese inspired me in many ways, what I've enjoyed most however was seeing him improve his skills in World of Warplanes after training with Tigerfang and myself.
I'm on of the very few Israelis in TAW, I was however born in Russia and for some reason speak English better than I speak Hebrew and Russian combined. Also I was able to beat AIDS! It's a bit of a long story for the newsletter, but I'd love to share it with you, come visit me in the WP channels in VG :)
The next edition of 'From the Battlefield' is out!
Subscriptions are over 450 and climbing daily - Thank you.
Well the wait is almost over. January 14th AMD will launch the new A-series for Stationary computers followed by Laptops later the first half of 2014.
The specifications are as follows (Sorry some titles may be in Swedish (Marked with SWE), do not know the equivalent in English (already translated from German so I am tired of translating)
Arkitektur (SWE)
4 / 2 st.
3,7 GHz
4,1 GHz
3,9 GHz
4,0 GHz
3,8 GHz
4,4 GHz
4,2 GHz
2 x 2 MB
R7 Graphics
HD 8670D
HD 8570D
Grafikarkitektur (SWE)
Steamprocessorer (SWE)
512 st.
384 st.
256 st.
720 MHz
844 MHz
Memorysupport (DDR3)
2 133 MHz
1 866 MHz
Many of these specifications has been known for some time but now we have all the information!
The thing that I personally find most interesting among the new series is that Kaveri will be able to use HSA and HUMA. This will make it possible to address memory between CPU and GPU directly, and that means the resources between the both will be used better and make it possible for developers to support applications that use calculations with the GPGPU
The Kaveri will also have support for the new PCI Express 3.0 and will require the socket FM2+ that can be recognised by it's black colour!
3 Fast Short news!
New Steelseries Siberia Elite is released!
Asrock makes the M8 with BWM Designworks
AU Optronics are going to make cheaper 4k Screens
Passionate, Upbeat, Competent, Talkative, Social
My history in TAW started back in February of 2013 entering the CS:GO Division. I decided to join a gaming community after a couple years of focusing on my career, volunteer firefighting, and college work. I was recruited based on a forum post I had seen by Jankles and then inquired within. After a couple days in TAW, I was quickly promoted to the position of Executive Officer, and then to Commanding Officer a few weeks thereafter. I've been a CO for the past 8 months, and recently was approved as a dual member in Operations Support where I've decide to take an additional role in assisting General Bones with systems administration and security. I've had a great experience in TAW so far and have met a lot of talented people.
What initially attracted me to the community was how well TAW presented itself to the gaming community. The website itself is well developed with a great application process. I saw the amount of time and effort that was put into the website. I also enjoyed the fact that TAW had structure, a code of ethics, and a policy that was strictly adhered to.
I am currently a dual member for the Counter-Strike Division under Colonel Jankles and for Operations Support under General Bones. For counter-strike, I am the Commanding Officer overseeing the day-to-day operations of the North American battalion. My primary focus for the past 8 months has been upholding TAW policy, training new officers to understand policy as well as issuing policy tests as a requirement for a high level position. I have been focusing on revamping some of the administrative documents and tasks, while at the same time ensuring that our division exudes efficiency and is operating within TAW guidelines. The overall goal within our division is to have fun! In operations support I am a Systems Administrator who handles all and any tasks as assigned by the Information Security Commander. My job function includes server patching, server application upgrades, and making recommendations to prevent security holes. Recently, I have been involved in architectural design discussions for TAW 3.0. Our divisional goal and focus is to provide 99.99% uptime in our infrastructure for the TAW community by ensuring our technology is up to date, and that we have a highly available environment.
TAW does things very different then your average clan / community. We have been successful since 2001 not only because of organizational structure, code of ethics, and well developed policy, but because we know how to have fun and we have solid membership. I have met some great people here I call as friends. There are not many communities that offer 25 games and 2400 members all in one place.
Our future success is dependent upon our ability to anticipate and embrace trends in the gaming community as they occur - something which we do very well already. With change in the gaming industry also works hand in hand with changes in technology and our website. I would like to see TAW members play a more active role in our operations support division. Marketing is very important and I think by having more active members in both digital media and news, as well as website development, we can focus on meeting the needs of our community, and for potential recruits.
I've met a lot of great people in TAW, so much so that this list would be a mile long. One person that I have great admiration and respect for is Colonel Jankles (my division commander). Jankles is a pure example of an exceptional leader who goes above and beyond for his people. He is an outstanding individual who exudes confidence, loyalty, honor, and dedication to TAW. He is always there to provide guidance and contribute to the success of his officers and also to TAW. He has been a role model to me and I am sure to many others. Thank you Jankles for all that you do, and for setting an example for the rest of the community. I also can't forget Aeroticka and my friends from the Neverwinter division. I could always use great conversation and great laughs.
My favorite thing about TAW is the people which make up this great organization. Throughout my history in TAW, I've met some truly amazing people in which I've been able to call my friends. One fact about the gaming industry is that it is always changing. People come and go in various games, but the friendships you develop here in TAW will go with you wherever you are.
I am of Spanish decent. Sorry all! - Not everyone that is from New York is Italian :-) ""Take it ease over there sweethearts!
"My favorite retro video game is the Rainbow Six Series. The original Rainbow six was one of the very first games I played for the PC dating back from the mplayer days in the late 90's which took most of my time as a gamer. I later moved onto to Rainbow Six 3: Raven-Shield before disbanding the game. I respected games like Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear, Ghost Recon, etc because they were all originally designed to be a PC game. Once they introduced these games to consoles, I feel like it the mechanics of the game were changed far to an extent where it was not the same game anymore. My belief is that all PC games that were designed for PC should remain as a primary focus in development for PC. This is why I still remain an active gamer for the Counter-Strike series! Long live PC Games!
Well this one is easy, Aeroticka from the Neverwinter division of course! Our late night talks, and good laughs makes her the ideal person to be stuck on an island with. I can't think of anyone better then her - she is a sweetheart!
I'm a friendly, helpful person.
I originally joined TAW after a friend of mine had joined, we had started playing PlanetSide 2 together and he wanted me to join the community he had joined. I applied for the PlanetSide 2 EU battalion and was a recruit within a few hours. I met some great people while I was there, and the overall community was great, I started playing different games with the new friends I had made within TAW, and after playing a lot more Counter-Strike: Global Offensive with TAW members than other games, I decided to transfer there. I am currently still part of the CS division as a server technician for the EU battalion.
When I first joined TAW, I was surprised at the amount of active members, and the structure of the community, this meant I stayed quiet for a while, but even then, members made me feel welcome. I was invited to games a lot, included in conversations about game tactics, and within a few days, I felt like I had a huge group of new friends.
I am currently in the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive division as a server technician for the EU battalion, my job involves helping the server admin with maintaining and improving the game servers. Generally, each day I will spend around an hour installing updates, checking and improving config files, and making sure the servers are all running correctly. Other than that, daily I am on TeamSpeak so that members and staff can contact me for any support or server issues that may arise. Around an hour before any practice, I check the servers and make sure they are set up and ready for use during the practice to save time and keep things simple for other staff. Once I know all of the servers are running correctly, I go back to playing games with TAW members.
One thing I would like to say is that TAW is a very friendly community, all members and staff will include new players in everything we do, and no one is left out.
Outside of TAW, one of my main hobbies is web and software development, I think of a small project I can work on, spend a few months completing it, give the software out to a few people, and then start again thinking of a new project. Some people might see it as a waste of time, but it's one of the things I most enjoy doing.
If I could change one thing, I would have more cross division events, some members only really talk to the people in their division, it would be good to have more events where people from different divisions could meet and play games with each other.
My favorite thing has got to be the people I've met in TAW, I've made some great friends here, all of which have made me feel welcome from the moment I met them.
Being part of TAW means I spend more time on my computer than I did before because I enjoy playing games with the community so much, some people might see that as a bad thing, but I find I enjoy my online life a lot more now than I did before.
I'd choose Neseroth, he's one of the first people I met within TAW, and he's a friendly, funny person, at least I'd be entertained while I was stranded. I would just really hope I had a solar powered PC with me so I could keep gaming.
Bear Grylls. He is able to survive and do so with a sense of humor.
I hope it is the consumer. I hope the gaming companies start listening more to the people that are buying the games.
Greetings to all of TAW,
We in the 6th Corps would like to extend an open invitation TAW Wide on an operation we like to call "Operation Team Build". This is a three part operation that will offer TAW Growth, Getting to know each other & es·prit de corps.
Operation Team Build
Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three
If we do this from now to March of 2014, we could very well see an advancement in membership.
Forum now posted HERE regarding sign ups if Divisions are in need of extra recruiters such as for EU/NA/OC team recruitment