What kind of Skill set is required to be a member of your team/division?
Accounting and taxes are at the top of our list now-a-days. Having a strong set of writing skills and negotiating helps as well. Recording keeping skills to ensure their is a proper paper trail for audit purposes. Last but not least good communication skills since we talk to all levels of TAW determine what they need us to procure.
Roughly, how much time does working in this team/division take?
Sunday's weekly treasury report can take anywhere from 1 to 3 hours depending on the number of transactions (donations, expenses and currency exchanges) to reconcile. During the week the time varies as we are on call 24/7 depending on when a division needs to purchase something or cancel a server. Canceling a server is typically a 5 minutes process. Order a new server can take up to 1 hour from start to finish.
What are your meeting/attendance requirements?
We don't have any set meeting times as we operate on a 24/7 schedule serving the divisions whenever they need help. For this reason there are two of us in TREASURY on each side of the world to ensure coverage 24/7 as TAW never sleeps. 98% of our communication orders via email with the divisions and between TBone and myself. The 2% is being at TFO, CC and TAW Inc. meetings.