Time to bring an end to the puzzle month. Congratulations to Cardnim from War Thunder for receiving first place on our third January Puzzle!
The correct answer can be found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eight_queens_puzzle
We had 8 participants, but only 4 correct answers:Cardnim (1st), Dreamus (2nd), Quagon (3rd), bfourine (4th)
Thanks all for joining! That concludes our January Puzzle event. Be sure to check out next forum event in February!
Congratulations again to BrotherLucias from War Thunder for receiving first place on our first and second January Puzzle!
The correct answer was: 41268-7935 OR 41286-7953. Thats right, we have 2 answers for this puzzle.
We got 10 participants who had it all correct:
BrotherLucias (1st), Cardnim (2nd), Cracklez (3rd), Quagon (4th), Dreamus (5th), PhilVP (6th), Krepos (7th), Garfield (8th), Khart (9th), Bfouronine (10th)
Thanks all for joining, onward to puzzle #3. Who will get the answer right this time?
Link to forum: http://taw.net/forums/p/26020/121936.aspx#121936
Happy Puzzling :)
Congratulations to BrotherLucias from War Thunder for receiving first place on our first January Puzzle! The correct answer to the first puzzle was: "T"
We had 17 participants for our first puzzle; 15 people got a good answer:
BrotherLucias (1st), Arical (2nd), Quagon (3rd), Rezzfall (4th), XCDaboyo (5th), Cardnim (6th), Wolvenboy (7th), MrRolandos (8th), Dreamus (9th), Cracklez (10th), Moonbeams (11th), MelonyGranger (12th), WolfSpider (13th), HowlFromtheshadow (14th), PhilvP (15th)
Each week the puzzle's get a little bit harder, so it is anyone's game.
The second round has begun; click the link below to participate. Who will get the answer right this time?
Hey everyone,
I hope everyone had a Happy New Year and the holidays that come with it. A new year also comes with a new Forum Event. This month it will be brain teasers from our newest event member: loginner.
The event will last the entire month of January. Each week there will be a new puzzle, so get your puzzle instinct on and let's go. Everyone can join our forum event :)
1. IMPORTANT!: the forum post is open, but don’t post any answer in it, send your answer to loginner@taw.net if you want to join.
2. The correct answer will be put on the forum after the event is over.
3. Every member is welcome to submit an answer.
4. Every week starts a new puzzle, so be sure be on the look out each week!
The winner will be announced at the end of the week.
Happy puzzle times!
SOCOP now has openings for the positions of…..
If you enjoy working with a great group of motivated and talented individuals, like the prospect of being able to work with members from all over TAW. Maybe this is the Division for you.
SOCOP can offer you flexibility, limited mandatories, as well as, a great way to contribute to TAW. This is not to say that we do not work here, far from it. Many of the positions here in SOCOP require high levels of dedication, attention to details, time management and a clear desire to serve our community behind the scenes.
If you would like a change, and you think you have a skill set to fill one of our available positions, please don't hesitate to contact any of SOCOP'S Command Staff for more information or to set up a personal interview.
Division Commander: COL. albenji
Division Officer: MGN. FireTAS
SOCOP Battalion
Commanding Officer Capt.Mrs.Heidebitt
Executive Officer 1Lt. MrRolandos
Staff Officer TBA
Radio Battalion
Commanding Officer MGN. VERMGUY
Executive Officer Col. Akai
Hey guys!
Social Operations (SOCOP) is currently looking for active members who would be interested in taking over a position as PIA liaison.
If you decide to transfer, your duties will include but not be limited to assisting Army divisions with their social media output as well as helping them organize events.
You will be working closely with the divisions (acting) PIA and also help finding a suitable member for this position if a division doesn't have the PIA position filled.
For more detailed information, you can always contact us on Teamspeak, for further questions. Please email MrRolandos@taw.net
Thank you and have a good one!
MrRolandos [SOCOP XO & PIA Platoon Leader]
Greetings everyone!
We had a great turn out for karaoke night and with a special thanks to HafniumG for coming to help out as a DJ and will be getting a special surprise later for that. Now, let's get going on our tour.
We have a wonderful game night coming soon on January 12th. We will be playing Business tour, the game night will start at 20:00 CET/1:00pm CDT give or take 5 minutes for people to stop singing “Take Me Home Country Roads,” and remember everyone is invited to attend.
Finally, everyone please feel free to tell me how your winter break is going or as gone?
I’ll be waiting to see you all at the game night. 😊