Not sure about everywhere else, but the temperatures have been through the roof lately around the Great Lakes in Canada. But just because the temperatures have been climbing, doesn’t mean cost to you on TAW products should.
For some reason our EU and NA Shops are running similar promos, but the timelines are a bit off, so we’re gonna post them both here for you right now.
PROMO: 15% off Everything in the Shop
WHEN: NA July 29 - 30th 2020 / EU July 29 - AUG 2nd 2020
And in case anyone forgot, our TAWsome Member Event is still running until the end of August. Purchase any of the designated mugs in the Shop, fill out the Shop Verification Form, and you receive both Swagster Tab + TAWsome Member Tab, AND we proudly display your name under the Shop TAWSOME MEMBER Channels in TS until the end of September.
Please remember with ALL purchases, to fill out our Shop Verification Form so we can issue you a Swagster Tab.
Summer is officially here and with the weather heating up, so are our promotions.
So we’re just going to cut to the chase. We’ver got overlapping promos with both NA & EU Shops, and we’re happy to be able to save you money again.
NA SHOP: 15% Off Everything
DATES: July 8-9 2020
EU SHOP: 15% Off Everything
DATES: July 8-12
And incase anyone forgot, our TAWsome Member Event is still running until the end of August. Purchase any of the designated mugs in the Shop, fill out the Shop Verification Form, and you receive both Swagster Tab + TAWsome Member Tab, AND we proudly display your name under the Shop TAWSOME MEMBER Channels in TS until the end of September.