Autumn is here, and with it anything can happen (b/c hey, 2020).
One thing that is happening is the latest promotion from the SHOP!
PROMO: 15% off anything in the EU SHOP and NA SHOP!
Timeframe: September 28-Oct 1st
This offer is for a limited time, so if you were on the fence about picking up some TAW swag, don't miss it!
All items in the Shop are fully customizable. Please fill out the SHOP Verification Form so we can issue your Swagster tab.
It's been a busy September in TAW, so far we've had 6th Corps share their TAW-Wide Minecraft server and gave us a tour, where we only scratched the surface of incredible creations already made by members from all over TAW. We had an incredibly close competition hosted by the Apex Legends Division, where we saw 19 teams from all over TAW furiously compete for that top spot. PUBG hosted another one of their well established and fantastically intense tournaments. And to close out the month Dreamus up in Vanguard will be hosting a class to help teach those interested in How to build and re-build teams in TAW.
For those interested in what's coming up in October, we have two World of Warcraft events to announce. One for the pre-patch of their upcoming new expansion and one at the end of the month to celebrate the expansions release. So if you have anything left to complete before the big release, head down to the WoW teamspeak channels, and get playing. We also have the first of our "Game Nights" starting in October, more on them below. October's main event will be TAW@War, a staple tournament in TAW's history, this will be the place to prove yourself as the best player in TAW, this time around the game will be Brawlhalla, so don't forget to sign up!
From October onwards, we will be hosting a genre based Game Night every month. Each month you will all get the chance to vote from six games, all based in the same genre. The winner of the vote, will have a fully fledged event for all of TAW to participate in. All games involve in votes, will be games not already in TAW, so if you really like one of the games, consider contacting Vanguard about spinning it up into it's own division!
October's game genre is Party Games. Vote now here!
Full Schedule for the next year:
We're hoping to announce our full year of Seminars and discussions once we've finalized the last couple of months. These Seminars will not only be related to improving your TAW life, but your real life too, we'll have classes led by people who use these skills and management methods in their IRL professions. For those interested in leading any Seminars or Discussions, please contact DrPi or MrHazz.
You don't need to be part of the Events Division to be part of all these great events. If you're interested in Streaming, Shoutcasting, Leading seminars and discussions or just have a fresh idea for an event to give all of TAW a chance to play your game, then we'll always be here, happy to help.
Shop has been talking for weeks about the “New Shop”, and we will continue to do so for a while to come. We promised updates and not only is this the first major update, but also the first Voting Options on Logos.
Shop wants to start by thanking our guys in GFX for helping come up with these logos. They are so well done, that we couldn’t decide on our own which one to use because they are all so mint.
That leads us to why we’re coming to you, the members with these logos. Our New Shop will have at least 1 Mascot Logo and 1 Word Logo. This survey is all about the Word Logo as we are still waiting on the Graphic Artist to complete potential Mascot Logos (which we will make another survey when they come in and ask members to vote for which they like the best).
So without any further adieu, please take a minute to fill out the TAW APPAREL LOGO SURVEY.
1 Vote Per Member
You may edit your response
Voting Ends October 1st 2020
You do not have to enter your callsign for your vote to count, but it would be appreciated if you did. Only Shop and MRC CC/CLC will see these responses.
Thank you in advance for anyone who fills in the form.
Here at the Shop, we’re on edge waiting for the final stuff to be done for us to transition to the New Shop. Couple new designs and color schemes will be coming at you when that happens.
And while we wait, we still continue to work with our current supplier to bring TAW members across the globe, a variety of promos. This time around, when I say variety, I mean it, because our supplier is running 2 separate promos.
PROMO: Free Standard Shipping
WHEN: Sept 14 & 15
PROMO: 15% Off Everything In The Shop
WHEN: Sept 14 - 18
One way or another, we’re gonna help you save some of that hard earned cash, but still help you show off your pride in TAW with some sweet swag. Speaking of Swag, click the Swagster Tab to be brought to our Verification Form after your purchase so we can make sure you get a Swagster Tab for your dossier.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a Shop TFO and we will be more than happy to respond within 24 hrs.
6th corps is inviting all of TAW to participate in their ongoing minecraft server. To celebrate this, an event will be hosted up at the top 6th Corps TS channels. Once Saturday hits, you will be able to join the 6th Corps discord channel where they will whitelist your Minecraft username and give you the server IP. The server is Vanilla with some server plugins. Griefing and Stealing is not permitted on the server, TAW CoE apply.
You'll need to join the 6th Corps Discord to get whitelisted. Invite will be link:
The event will also be Livestream at 21:00 CET over at the TAW Twitch Channel
G'Day everyone,
this is Cracklez [MMD DC] and I am wanting to speak to you today about some amazing opportunities that are currently available in the Multimedia Marketing Division (MMD) within the Membership Resource Corps in TAW Operations and Command.
We have recently undertook many changes in MMD and are working on growing and restructuring the division in order to offer more support and resources to the members of TAW. For those who are not familiar with MMD, we are a division that's purpose is to support divisions and grow TAW through social media, Public Information Administrators, streaming, video development, events, and many other innovative initiatives.
With this change we have many new opportunities available for anyone wanting to apply such as, but not limited to:- PIA Director- PIA Support- Media Manager- Media Support- Events Director- Events Support
- Streaming Manager- Streamers- Video Development
- And More!
If you have a passion for leadership and/or the desire to help grow the TAW community don’t hesitate to reach out for information about this position!
If you are interested in joining us please email
You are also welcome to visit us for a chat, if you have any questions regarding MMD or just for a normal chat. Remember to bring coffee! We will deliver the Cakes.
Look forward to hearing from you,
Cracklez [MMD DC]
The aim of the Events Resources is to give assistance to divisions in a variety of event types, as well as offering seminars on a variety of topics.
Some of the event types we offer help with are:
Inter-division Scrims & Tournaments
Divisional TAW-WIDE Tournaments
Division Versus CC Scrims
Stream Teams (In Collaboration with MMD)
Some of the events we will host:
Karaoke Nights
Trivia & Quiz Nights
Workshops & Seminars
Weekly Non-TAW Game Nights
Some of the events we will provide document resources for:
Recruitment Drives
Division Tournaments/Leagues
Team Creation and Management
If you would like to apply for any of these events or resources please feel free to message anyone from the ER staff. Request Forms will also be available soon.
Events resources is looking for members to fill out our new team. If you are interested or would like to know more, please contact MrHazz.
Ah Fall, my favorite time of the year. Temperatures start to drop, leaves follow, frag grenades and cluster strikes drop from nowhere in FPS games, but best of all, promotions drop from our supplier.
NA SHOP: 10% Off Everything!!!!!!
Sept 3rd & 4th
We’ve got a few different promos coming this month. A 2 day event right now, mid month we’re going to drop another one, and we’re gonna finish off the month with another bang, so keep an eye out for Shop Blog Posts.
G'Day everyone
We are looking out for some more regular streamers to help us make TAW an even awesomer place to be - and promote their division at the same time!
The TAWTV is now looking at moving forward start the move of applying for Twitch partnership. This will allow the community to grow on the platform.
A Twitch Partner receives many perks, including extra emotes, 60 days of past broadcast storage, dedicated financial support, and the ability for fans to subscribe to their channels. Twitch is owned by Amazon and brands can partner with streamers
currently, in the planning/early development stage, our main focus will be on stream teams (groups) and stream squad views.
MMD will be holding new servers for some of our games that are not within TAW but are been streamed - and of course a lot of giveaways for streams and bigger prizes for tournaments.
Partners will be able to gain some game-changing benefits which will both improve the quality of your stream through extra features and support:
Channel customization:
Custom chat badges
Custom emoticon prefix.
Custom bit badges and cheermotes.
Verified user badge
Free lifetime channel subscription for your chatbot
As a partner you will have VODs stored for 60 days
Reruns and premieres.
Channel Support
Create ‘stream teams’
Other Benefits
Priority access to special promotional opportunities – Partner Spotlights, Meet & Greets, Partner Panels and more.
Gain full access to transcoding to ensure that you have the highest quality stream.
Stream delay
- Be a full TAW member (PFC rank or above)
- Follow TAW's CoE and policy
- Be able to stream atleast 1 hour per week on a regular base, this can be a mandatory practice but also any time outside that (which is suggested as mandatory peaks will be filled quite quickly)
- Previous/current streaming experience is a big +
- Decent internet upload speed (min. 1.5 mbps upload)
Our Twitch channel: Twitch Streaming request Application form
TVO Streaming Workshop/Introduction