SHOP is excited to announce that new team gear from ARMA GG is available here! We have pivoted from Cranium over to this new platform. In the top right of the site there is a $ symbol where prices can be converted to the currency in your area.
Estimated shipping times are generally from 2-4 weeks.
The main page and SHOP wiki will be updated in the coming weeks.
Please remember to fill out our Verification Form to receive a tab for your purchase.
Thank you for taking the time to check out the new SHOP! Please direct any questions at this time to PsychicChimp or Arianni.
Enlisted Division D-Day 78th Anniversary Event
Greetings fellow TAW members! The Enlisted Division is hosting an event to commemorate the 78th Anniversary of the D-Day landings!
During this event, players will play in the Invasion of Normandy campaign! All TAW members are welcome to join us for this event.
When: Saturday, June 4th, 1900 UTC
Where: The “Play Channel” in the Enlisted area of the Vanguard Horizon Division
A group of Enlisted players will also be streaming on TAWtv from 1900 to 2100 UTC during this event.
If you are new to Enlisted, it is a free-to-play, combined arms, WWII shooter with unique squad based game mechanics that features battlefields from all across the WWII era.
Get the game at
TAW members participating in this event will be eligible for the “Normandy Veteran” tab from the Enlisted division!
Join us on the TAW Enlisted Discord as well to get announcements of our events, people to play with, and game news. All Members of All skill groups are welcome!
If you have any questions about Enlisted or the event please contact NinthAquila.