In this issue, All hands meeting rocks; Guild Wars 2 is on RD scope; TAW Shop updates.
Check Here For Previous TAW Newsletters
We had a wonderful annual All Hands Meeting last March 12th.
This is a short of the announcements:
University Announcement
Fundraising Objective:
Free CS:GO upgrade to CS:2 coming this summer!!
The game has been entirely remastered using the Source 2 engine, check out the video below to see the difference!
Check your steam account for an invite to test the Beta!
Another point to note is all VAC bans from CS:GO WILL CARRY OVER to the new game so cheaters won't get a second chance!
Game of the Month: Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 has made a steady comeback in the MMORPG space over the last six months. The game was originally released in 2005 and Guild Wars 2 came on the scene in 2012. This resurgence is due largely to finally releasing a Steam version last year in August.
While the Steam release expanded the player base it has caused confusion and frustration with existing and returning players. The biggest issue has been with existing characters created on legacy accounts.
If you have an existing Guild Wars 2 account and would like to play the game using those characters you cannot use the Steam version. In addition, any expansion you may have purchased previously will not be available to you through Steam without purchasing them again. Essentially, the Steam version forces existing players to start over from the beginning.
However, all is not lost. Legacy players can simply continue using the launcher that is downloadable from the Guild Wars 2 website. Once logged into the servers it doesn’t matter if you used the Steam client or the legacy client to launch the game; all players can interact seamlessly in-game.
Recent News from the Battlefield
Sunday 30th of April, ER invites you to Among Us event! Among Us is a co-op game of teamwork and deception!
Start Time:
22:00 CET [EU]; 16:00 EST [NA]
RetoMoto announced the end of Heroes & Generals will be on Thursday May 25, 2023 at 11:59 UTC (19:59 EDT).
On May 2nd 2023 ~10AM CEST (4 am EDT) all player accounts will have UNLIMITED gold until the servers shutdown.
Tracermono | WattsonHalfTrick | Wattson Main - tawtv on Twitch
tawtv went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Apex Legends VOD now.
Playing Arma 3 with Maverick - tawtv on Twitch
tawtv went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Arma 3 VOD now.
SHOP is Open for Business
We have new material on TAW SHOP including Jerseys on ArmaGG, and also Spread SHOP with TAW logo, motto and much more custom merch.
If you like working with other divisions to support recruiting efforts RD has a place for you. RD assist teams in creating a recruiting strategy tailored to their audience. This work includes researching and preparing Market Reports, Recruiting Trackers, and fourm posts. If you enjoy talking with a variety of people and like working as a team – come join us!
If interested, please contact me here: DivadSesom [RD DC]
Sunday 30th of April, ER invites you to a Among Us event! Among Us is a co-op game of teamwork and deception!
22:00 CET [EU]
16:00 EST [NA]
Just like before, we'll be playing the event within the #lounge channel in the TAW-Wide Discord!
Among Us is a crossplay game which is free on mobile or 3.99€ on Steam and on consoles! The goal of the game is for the Crewmates to figure out who the Impostors are before the Impostors kill all of them!
For more information contact Cayne or Stormeair.