America, 1899. The end of the wild west era has begun as lawmen hunt down the last remaining outlaw gangs. Those who will not surrender or succumb are killed.
After a robbery goes badly wrong in the western town of Blackwater, Arthur Morgan and the Van der Linde gang are forced to flee. With federal agents and the best bounty hunters in the nation massing on their heels, the gang must rob, steal and fight their way across the rugged heartland of America in order to survive. As deepening internal divisions threaten to tear the gang apart, Arthur must make a choice between his own ideals and loyalty to the gang who raised him.
From the creators of Grand Theft Auto V and Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2 is an epic tale of life in America at the dawn of the modern age. Out now on Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Stadia.
Check this game out, and if it is something you would like to see in TAW fill out the INTEREST FORM.
Welcome everyone to the Vanguard Monthly Newsletter. I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by and check in on how we are doing this time around. As always if you have any interest in any of the teams below or if there is a game you would like to see in TAW please fill out the Vanguard Interest Form HERE.
As for the layout of the newsletter, teams that provided me with an update are going to be at the top of the newsletter. Teams that did not have an update for me will be listed below with general contact information as well as info about their scheduled events so that you can join them.
Now for your scheduled update on the teams, starting with the Recruiting Division, yeah that's right, they're with us. However they are always open to help your team out, Vanguard or not, so get in touch if you need a little extra help.
-Recruiting Division-
DC: Caaran
The Recruiting Division hit me with a really nice newsletter. You can find it HERE to check out what they have to say.
-World of Warcraft Classic - Tier 2
SUL: Lil Saint
On 4 January will be our First Raid with 40 people and raid dungeon is Molten Core.Yeah maybe we will not have 40 people but that can be done with less people anyway :) .
Mandatory Times:
EU = Monday 8pm GMT+1
-Elder Scrolls Online - Tier 2
SUL: RowanRainsong
NA = Saturday 9pm EST
EU = Saturday 7pm GMT
-Conquerors Blade - Tier 2
SUL: Draxton
Mandatory Time:
NA = Tuesday and Saturday 10:30pm EST
-Insurgency Sandstorm - Tier 2
DC: StuffedShark
NA = Sundays and Tuesdays 9pm EST
EU = Sundays and Tuesdays 8pm GMT+1
-Star Citizen - Tier 2
SUL: EdibleCrab
NA = Sunday 2:30pm EST
EU = Sunday 2:30pm EST
-DayZ - Tier 3
SUL: Cibus
EU = Sundays 7pm GMT
-Destiny 2 - Tier 3
SUL: Memorydump
Mandatory Times: TBD
-Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Tier 2
DO: Dmoney
EU = Monday and Friday 21.00 CET
NA = Saturday and Sunday 6pm - 7pm PST (9pm - 10pm EST)
-Warcraft III Reforged - Tier 4
SUL: Dreamus
Mandatory events times:
Joint = Sunday 7 PM CET / 1 PM EDT
- Squad - Tier 4
SUL: Deathwing
EU = Saturday 18:30-20:30 GMT+0
-Halo: The master chief collection
Mandatory times:
NA= Sunday 2000 EST
EU= Sunday 2000 GMT +1
As always if you have any interest in any of the teams below or if there is a game you would like to see in TAW please fill out the form HERE.
On behalf of the Vanguard team I would like to thank everyone for the support each of you show!
The Cycle
The Cycle is a Competitive Quest Shooter, or in other words, a PvEvP game. On Fortuna III you compete against other Prospectors or collaborate with them to claim as much resources as possible. Only problem is, the planet is hostile and in more ways the one: alien wildlife that tends to want to rip your face off, Prospectors that are at best untrustworthy and at worse absolutely murderous. And then there’s the storm cycle, which, if you don’t make it to evac in time, will absolutely ensure the end of you. But hey, you could get rich!
Check this game out, if you would like to see in TAW fill out the INTEREST FORM.
Join the battle for supremacy in Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – Onslaught, the dramatic new digital expansion from BioWare. Unite with your friends or battle alone against deadly enemies both new and old as you aid the faction of your choice in the reignited war for the future of the galaxy. Whether you support your allies as a die-hard Loyalist or undermine them from within as a deadly Saboteur, your choices will decide the fate of the galaxy. Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ – Onslaught is coming October 2019, free to all subscribers!