Welcome to the Arena!
We are setting up a new TAW tournament in preparation for the TAW Apex Legends Clan Wars where each team will run 5 matches and will be awarded points based the parameters listed below.
Every member of TAW is welcome and encouraged to participate, we will be setting up a signup sheet in the forums and shooting for a tournament date of 20/11/2020 "13:00 EST / 19:00 GMT+2
The tournament is going to be kept within private servers. So please show up 30 minutes prior to start of the tournament for organizing. Remember not to share the codes with anyone else outside of the participants.
Apex Legends is a free-to-play Battle Royale' style game that pits 60 players in squads of 3 against each other in a race against the clock for the ultimate prize to become Champions of the Arena!
In Apex Legends you choose one of 13 Legends, each with a unique backstory and a specific set of skills and abilities to aid your team to the final circle, you will need to think fast and make split second decisions to stay alive.
You start by jumping out of the drop ship and selecting one of the many locations on the map to find loot. Once you hit the ground, its a mad dash to find the best Armor, Guns, and Equipment hidden in loot chests and scattered around on the ground. But, don't expect the same tier loot every time you pick one location as the loot spawns are varied and you could end up getting stuck with low tier loot.
Get a kill, and you can loot that players death box for better tier loot and ammunition. But be careful, take too long looting one box and get sniped from across the map by one of the legendary sniper drops the game spawns randomly throughout the match.
If you go down, your team can revive you or if need be, collect your death box banner and re-spawn you at one of the re-spawn beacons located around the map.
But beware, if you are re-spawned into the arena you will be completely stripped of any loot you collected and must find something to defend yourself with quickly because other teams can see the respawn ship coming in and will be on the hunt for an easy kill.
The following point system will be used:
Placement Points:
25 Increments:
1st Place: 250 points
2nd Place: 225 Points
3rd Place: 200 points
4th Place: 175 Points
5th Place: 150 Points
6th Place: 125 Points
7th Place: 100 Points
8th Place: 75 Points
9th Place: 50 Points
10th Place: 25 Points
Kill Point System:
10 Point per Kill
Squad Damage Count for Tie-Breaker
Teams of 3, with 1 reserve
Game Mode - Battle Royale
If you cannot attend and have signed up please let APL staff know, as soon as possible.
If you are signed up as a group, and come time to play, one of your members has failed to show up, it is your responsibility to find a proper replacement, or your team will be disqualified.
Games are to be recorded or streamed with a member of TFO or an AL as referee's.
Code of Ethics are to be reflected at all times when playing
All screenshots from the matches need to be saved for 14 days from the date the tournament ended. The admin team has the right to request the screenshot at any time within these 14 days.
The Team or Solo sign-up is: NOW OPEN.
If you have any questions please direct them to one of the Apex Staff Members: ROYALTea, MMG
Prepare for Battle!