**So this is a copy and paste from the original post due to it getting deleted by accident**
So, I have been asked by a few people to do a replays analysis. I did one today, and the other guy who i was helping seemed to like it alot. So I will try to do at least 1 weekly for anybody whose interested. I "can" take hero suggestions but no guarantee. I am basically just doing the analysis on games where I thought I played really well.
My goal is to focus on the early game mostly for a few reasons:
1) I see alot of supports or offlaners get kind of stumped (i.e. what do I do) or carries not take advantage of a free lane.
2) I believe the early game has a massive impact on the rest of the game, thus why i think its so important and want to focus on it.
3) I hope it will help people learn timings, mini map awareness, and some other key aspects of laning
About me!
I am WeMade], I am a 4.3k mmr player. I played mainly Mid for a long time, got tired of it and main support (maining support for 6months give or take). I take ranked very seriously and random 99% of the time in unranked games, so i have a wide hero pool
Heros you will catch me playing the most (favorite/top heros for each roll):
Pos 1: Ember, Gyro, Am
Pos 2: Invoker, Invoker, SF
Pos 3: Clock, Natures Prophet.
Pos 4/5 (top 5): Chen (if anybody knows me its my favorite hero), Sky, Visage, Wisp*, Lion,
*Only can play a good wisp with a friend of mine who I have developed good synergy with over years of playing together, wisp replays will be VERY VERY rare.
DotaBuff: http://www.dotabuff.com/players/100785032
Yasp: https://yasp.co/players/100785032
Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/WeMadeDota
Because I am doing the analysis on games that I feel I played well in, they will be kind of random as to when I do them. Also understand if you ask me to play a hero, I will play it but if I cant get a game where I feel that I did well it might be a while before I can do a analysis on that hero.
I am also not opposed to playing a game with you as a coach and me explaining my game play live. I think this is alot more helpful then me coaching because I can tell you what I would do or should do, but I feel that watching and being told why is better.
If this takes off, I will keep a log (post under this) with the Hero, match ID, and important aspects/notes
Finally, please remember. Sometimes I just want to play Dota, as stated above I want to do one a week but it is dependent on if I have a good game that I feel are worthy of analysis.
**These will most likely happen around 5-7pm Central Time USA**
Offlane Axe - 3730 MMR Game
Match ID: 2482601351
DB: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2482601351
Yasp: https://yasp.co/matches/2482601351
What this match shows:
Stacking/Farming offlane camps
Creep positioning in lane (indicating enemy pulls)
Key Notes:
11:45 Blink dagger
Offlane Slardar - 4280 MMR Game
Match ID: 2495947931
DB: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2495947931
Yasp: https://yasp.co/matches/2495947931
Single Pulling = XP/Gold for offlaners
Creep Agro
Heavy damage lane = extra regen
13:50min Blink (no stacks)
Support Lion (Pos 4) - 4048 MMR Game (With 4.5k MMR friend - Lone Druid)
Match ID: 2515544117
Yasp: https://yasp.co/matches/2515544117
DB: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2515544117
What I shows:
Offlane harassment (do not draw creep agro), Offlaner lvl
15min Blink, 20min Glimmer
Decent Gem usage
8min tower - due to offlaner being 100% zoned out
What Lone Druid shows:
Proper lane equilibrium.
I reached lvl 2 before offlaner did, at this time our safelane LD was around lvl 5. At this point the offlaner could not even come near lane.
Loan druid was ahead (sat first or 2nd in networth all game) due to the offlaner being 100% zoned out. This allowed him to transition into other lanes/jungle to push/farm freeing up the lane for me to farm my blink (15min)
I did play a little agro at times due to over confidence....I died most the time (mid to late game)
Lich did a good job stacking some camps early for our mid alc to farm.
Lich had no problem buying majority of wards/smokes/ect. allowing me to save money for items, eventually got gem. This is a Pos 4. Lion game.
Mid Invoker
Match ID: 2704168503
Yasp: https://www.opendota.com/matches/2704168503
DB: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2704168503
7Min Midas & Phase boots
9Min T1
11:30min second T1
This actually is not a really good game IMO, but it shows some good stuff. I use to main invoker 400 games in Dota 2, probably closer to 1000 in Dota and Dota2. I dont play him much anymore but this game was decent.
Support Skywrath
Match ID: 2708302320
Yasp: https://www.opendota.com/matches/2708302320/
DB: http://www.dotabuff.com/matches/2708302320
What this game shows:
Proper lane harass, due to my early lane ward, i was able to right click from the fog with out drawing any creep agro or minimal agro and was able to defend my jungle camps for pulls and enigma.
Notice how i check inventories on heros for early wards in my jungle.
Harass from fog, enemy heros cant hit me back.
Heavy rotating involved in first 4 or 5 kills of the game, giving me a good amount of gold to keep vision up and buy myself some items.
This is great, Thanks for taking your time to help me get better.
@Kotlcarry, no prob. Its going to be kind of random when I do them, I want to do one a week.
@Tony :(
Request for a Huskar game.
Sorry for the lack of replays. My play time has been cut back a little. I have a game or two I will upload soon! One is an invoker game, and the other is a support game!
So watching my replays on lion I see my biggest issue in my bad games is levels and farm. Once I get behind I am lost on catching up with Lion without stealing levels from a core. I know WeMade never gets behind on levels but imagine for a second that you found yourself in that situation what are options for gaining levels/farm from behind with Lion.
rofl. ill find a game where i play REALLY bad and explain what i did wrong and what i should of done. Sometimes its really hard bc your cores are greedy and wont give you anything.
Oh this skywrath is awesome thanks man.