Hello fellow TAW friends,
I am gona host a event on thursday 06-09-2018 on 7 o'clock that is 19:00 PM European time. I am gona play on a server that is called Just Cause 2 Multiplayer RLS Server. To give you a idea how it looks i will show some pictures and video links here.
The server: https://gyazo.com/4f8f5e3b94a808af77ef1cb3d500296a
You can get the cd key on Kinguin for 2.48 euro :
The server is running on the multiplayer from just cause 2.
You can get the multiplayer for free on steam:
This is a transport for components that a faction needs to buy weapons, cars, fighterplanes and mroe stuff
The nice graphics are amazing in this server game
Crazy stuff hapening all day
This is the HQ from the enemy called Roaches, they stalled their weapons full out here.
This are 3 G9 fighterplanes, the best in the game, very expensive to buy as a faction.
A sniper aiming at his pray XD
They are here playing some roleplay they wanted to play. Just to have fun.
This is a Reapers meeting were the battleplans are drawn. Forigve my english XD
Here you see a meeting of all player on that current date. All enemys came here together to make this picture. After the picture was taken...well you know what happend then.
Roaches doing a mission. protected by light air support.
A nice picture taken by a player from one of the known airfields in the map.
High in the cold mountain area,
And back to the warm sunset.
In this video you see a reaper promotion ceremony to the next rank.
and here is the trailer of the server
i hope to see you coming Thursday at 19:00 PM European time in teamspeack, the location will be known in the event.
All yours friendly
StormRuler (Sara Dayne or Taw in the RLS server)
Looks cool, what having a chat with TAW Vanguard about this game?
Maybe this can be something for TAW? I do not know, but have a go in that direction mate.
ZeBoss [WWS DC]
5th Corps - World of Warships
Looks cool mate! i hope this becomes a thing! ;)
I will be there!
Played last night for a bit and it is quite fun! Used to be a active JC2 player, then I finished the solo game and kind a never played it again. But know I am excited to play the game again!
Tomorrow at 7 o clock in the evening European time. I am Dutch. I hope to see a lot of guys and girls.
i see you all tomorrow :)
Coming week, on Thursday 7 PM European Time i will host the second event of Just cause 2 Multiplayer RLS server, you are all welcome and bring friends, fellow division players and all girl/boyfriends.
I hope to see you all coming Thursday on the 6th of September at 7 PM:)
The event tonight was a failure , nobody showed up. Thank you all for your effort, dedication and time to try to make this work. I will not host any event for this server anymore, COC can remove Just cause 2 MP RLS server from the testing channel
Thank you al again for the effort you made to attend the first event and the support you gave me in this 2 weeks to try to make it work.
Yours truly,