First round of economic analysis. Looking forward to this being obsolete in the next week when Hurston Central Business Districted is released :)
Thank you for the economics above Edible. Will be very helpful for the larger trading ships
I'm finding that the prices are changing rapidly, so do not use the charts above to trade, they are out of date already! I'm going to look into updating my price list more regularly.
CIG have released patch 3.4, and are also having a holiday promotion. They're doing some sales on starter packs and gift cards.
The major items from the patch notes are
I'm starting up an investment fund, that will be used to purchase and trade cargo, which will run over the holiday break. If you want to invest your UEC, then please contact me and we can arrange the transfer in-game. I have a few people who have already invested. I'll be posting more details online and will link them from here when they are available.
The SC Christmas fund is now open. We've run one trial day now, and we've turned a profit. Day 2 will begin at 1900 UTC, be in the SCZ channel and speak to EdibleCrab then for more details.
We're looking for ship owners, investors, pilots, escorts, gunners, and trade foot-runners. Everyone can get involved, there's plenty to be done. Ideally we will have multiple trade squadrons operating independently and simultaneously. Size of ship is not important, if you want to trade using a smaller ship then that's absolutely fine, otherwise we require escort ships to keep our merchants safe.
Day 2 proved to be a challenging day for the fund. 80k was lost in a single trading mishap, but by the close, we managed to recover, thanks to some superb team efforts from the military aerospace side of TAW. Destructor and StarDog were particularly impressive in their use of the new EMP technology to eliminate threats. 25k was invested in a speculative venture, and is shown on the books at 100% discount, and actual trading activity is flat for the life of the fund so far. Please note fund value is shown one day in arrears.
We also welcomed Kredex as a new investor, thanks for your confidence in this venture. We're also looking to secure a deal with CodeRd, either as our first mining partner or as an investor.
For those interested in the fund progress, it has completed it's one-week life, and has been shutdown. Approximate return for investors was three times their money invested.
I'll post some documents based on lessons learnt.
I've written up a guide for people who want to start trading, but aren't sure what would be the best way to get started.
All the runs below are around Crusader, as it currently isn’t worth dealing with the atmosphere and gravity of Hurston, and most players prefer to be nearer Crusader anyway.
Whenever you are doing these runs, if you’re leaving Port Olisar, remember you can take some medical supplies with you to make a little bit more profit, as most places will buy it. Don’t overdo it though, the profit isn’t great, and you can easily lose all your money if you buy as much as you can, as the price per SCU is high.
Yela Halogens Run
This is a flexible run, and great for a new trader just starting out, or after a wipe. You take an empty ship to Yela, pick up your choice of iodine/chlorine/fluorine from mining stations on Yela, and take that to Grim Hex. If you have a bigger ship, like a Caterpillar, you’ll need to go to Olisar instead.
Start with iodine, then move on to chlorine, and finally fluorine. Only change up when your cargo bay is full. You can mix and match the cargos to get a slightly better profit, but this isn’t strictly necessary.
ArcCorp Mining Area 157 and Benson Mining Outpost work equally well for this. Compare the prices and you might find that one is cheaper than the other on any given day.
Cellin Titanium Run
This run is great when you outgrow the Yela halogen run, and you can keep running it effectively for a long time.
Titanium is one of the best metals to trade right now, and it can be found on Cellin. Fly down to Tram & Myers Mining, fill your cargo and take it straight back to Olisar.
Celin Titanium Run with Vices
Smaller, faster ships can add value to their titanium runs by also running distilled spirits and stims as an extra step. These vices don’t carry the same risks and stigma as Widow, so are a safer option that still bring a good return.
The miners at Tram and Meyers really like their drink and stims, and those can also be bought on Cellin. Go from Olisar to either Gallete Family Farms, or Terra Mills Hydrofarm. You can buy stims there, but don’t load up too much, as the miners can only buy limited amounts from you. Fill the rest with distilled spirits. Then go to Tram & Meyers, sell off all the vices, and continue on to Olisar with titanium as normal.
Easy rest-stop scrap pickups
Staying in space is good for really big ships that can struggle to maneuver and land in gravity and atmosphere. These runs can be very relaxing and low-risk, and the bigger the ship, the better. You don’t even need to land at the rest-stops, you can just pull alongside and go and trade as normal. If someone attacks, just jump away and retreat into the armistice zones, no need to worry about getting trapped at the bottom of a gravity well here.
Daymar Millionaires Club
If you’ve got more than 1 million UEC, you’ve got a problem. You are probably completely filling the cargo hold of your giant trading ship, and still not getting a return on investment that is actually worth your time and effort. That’s when you need to start trading agricium and laranite from Daymar. One of the perks of doing this, aside from the money, is that Daymar is nice and sandy, so it’s easier to land that giant trading ship here.
Here's a link to the first in a series of instructional videos for dogfighting.
Some results from last nights mining operation, thanks to everyone who took part, especially Ewok who took on a bunch of new employees for his trading company Black Dog Import and Security LLC. I'm looking forward to seeing some more companies being started up as well.
Nice turnout tonight :)
For anyone who is on the fence about Star Citizen or who hasn’t logged on in a while, patch 3.5 is about to drop any day now, and it’s a biggie! Come talk to us in SCZ channel if you want to know what’s changed !
It's that time again, 3.6 is getting ready, you know the drill, come see us in SCZ division and find out what's going on!