Hello all!
I wanted to post this thread to bring awareness for 343i bringing Halo: MCC to steam and Windows Store. With this, they are bringing games like Halo: CE, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3:ODST, Halo 4, and Halo: Reach to PC! As of right now, they are currently in their public flight testing phase, which means all that sign up and Opt In to PC and Xbox testing could be invited to test the game during specific dates.
As of writing this; Halo: Reach is in testing until November 5th (take in mind, if you are to sign up and Opt In to PC testing, you may not be invited during this testing phase, but could potentially be invited for the next one!). This week they are showcasing two missions of the Halo: Reach campaign, have specific game modes available for each day for Social and Competitive play, and even have Firefight available for testing as well!
The point of these flights is to 1) ensure that bugs are reported and fixed before major release of the game and 2) spark more peoples interest in Halo: MCC being moved to PC.
Now; with Halo: MCC being moved over to PC, one thing that I want to see is interest in potentially bringing it in TAW. The way I look at it; you have Halo: Reach, Halo: CE, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, and Halo 4 to recruit from for a single division. Which also means you have the opportunity to set up different style events and can allow players to choose which game they would like to play for the events.
If you have any interest in signing up for the Halo Insider program to potentially help 343i with their flight program; click here!
If you have any interest in seeing this game be spun up in TAW closer to release, click here!
I have personally been a fan of the Halo franchise since 2003, so I would love to see how many others potentially have interest in the game, not only for TAW's sake, but also for the sake of playing with more TAW friends during the flights!
You have no idea how far my Halo fandom goes...for the original
I'm right there with you! Have you signed up for the Halo Insider program, yet?
I'll have to check it out. Hell Let Loose has taken up all of my free time. That and the loving wife.
That's understandable! They do multiple flight testing and, even if you can only get on for an hour or two, it's still definitely worth it!
Looking forward to it!
I am as well ScmeeCow.
Some issues that I personally ran into during this past flight test (links above if anyone reading this is interested in signing up for the Halo Insider program)
- There was an issue where, during quite a few games in casual, I would click Escape so that I could go into settings to adjust my sensitivity. Upon changing my sensitivity, I ran into an issue where I could not get out of the escape menu. Which means I could play the game. This also stopped me from exiting the game, so I had to do one of two things.
1. Wait for the game to be over so that it would take us all back to the lobby. This could be problematic if you are in the beginning of the game.
2. ALT+F4 or ALT+TAB+DELETE and close the game completely.
While this isn't a game killed for me personally, it happened in quite a few games (four if I remember correctly), it can become a nuisance and cause people not want to play multiplayer due to this.
- The next issue that came up is the fact that, if you're playing on Keyboard and Mouse (not sure about controller as I was unable to test this), you can't run around and crouch, you had to stand completely still, crouch, and then you could move around while staying crouched. If anyone here has played any games of Halo in the past; a lot of people use crouch as a way to avoid getting headshot multiple times, as well as to throw the enemy off. This isn't a crazy issue, but hopefully we see this fixed in an upcoming flight test.
- There was no push to talk option; from what I could tell, the only thing you could was adjust your voice audio to go to Squad, Team, All, or Off. I mainly kept mine at Team and had my headset microphone (which by the way; this can't be changed either, so if you have an external microphone, or the game picks up another mic, that will be the mic that will be used) off. If I needed to talk, I would pull my microphone down which would open the voice communication for me and I could talk. This was not the same with others; a lot of others had hot mics where you could hear, well, everything. Between hearing keyboard strokes, random conversations about fish (yeah, not lying, someone was talking to their roommate or parent about what kind of fish they wanted for dinner), and dogs barking and heavy breathing; this became very annoying. If you turn voice communication to 'Off' instead of team, squad, or all, then you won't hear anyone in the lobby (but I'm not sure if they will be able to hear you).
Now this one is kind of annoying, but again, not a game killer for me. While they did have a key bind available for Text chat (which was automatically set at 'T' and could not be changed), you would have thought they would have put in a voice push to talk key under communication as well.
Now those are just three issues that I ran into that weren't major. The BIGGEST issue for me right now; which I'm hoping to see updated in the next flight test, was bullet reg. While playing Halo in general with a Mouse and Keyboard is very strange; bullet reg was an issue I heard in a LOT of games. There were a few times where someone had no shields and just lived through three or four more headshots. This could easily come down to being a latency issue; but with the game feeling so, well, off, I want to think this is another issue within the game.
In the upcoming flight tests, I'll keep updating with general bugs that I myself have encountered, but just so you know, there are probably a LOT more than just what I put in here. If you're in the flight test and you encounter some crazy bugs, post it here so we can all be aware.
The Halo: MCC Release date has been set for December 3rd, 2019. Which means Halo: Reach will be released first. After this; they will be releasing the other games in Canon order as they are ready.
Halo: MCC Steam Link
Yup I saw that. Pretty cool stuff. I wonder how long releasing the rest will take lol.
Halo and the steam release of Red Dead in the same month, I'm gonna be occupied for a long time.