Hey everyone,
If you haven't already and really want to get Halo into TAW can you file in the VG interest forum here
Filling out this forum allows our great VG staff to gauge interest in the game and hopefully we can see it in TAW very soon.
Pssshhhh remember Halo Reach launches next week so I will see my fellow Spartans on the Battlefield.
Link to Halo on Steam- https://store.steampowered.com/app/976730/Halo_The_Master_Chief_Collection/
Minimum Effort Maximum Satisfaction!
Would be great to see TAW in Halo. :) Will fill in the form once i'm home!
- DR
I already submitted for my interest quite some time ago. I'm very much interested in seeing this game in TAW and can't wait to play it.
Exciting times, would be great to have this in TAW.
Small update here, I just bought it on steam, so I am ready to download once released.
Sounds great, I will ask VG and see if we can get a channel in there for Tuesdays launch. I cant wait to play Reach on PC as Halo is one of the only reasons I still buy Xbox’s
I'm not sure we'll be able to get a channel out in Vanguard; but I did talk with Hemphop and he mentioned that they'll talk about it when they can.
I'll be playing either Tuesday morning when I wake up if it's online or Tuesday night when I get back from work, and I'll hop on TS to play.
And I agree; Halo was one of the biggest reasons I kept up with Xbox. Halo: Infinite will be coming to Windows 10 as well, so that's an awesome future for us Halo kids :D
Will get one up today.
And this, Dreamus, is why you're the true MVP.
Yup, Sadly I am in university all day tomorrow for presentations and classes but after that I am free and I have Wednesday off as well so that’s good. And Dreamus is a MVP for sure!
Roger that! I'm in Central Time in the US (it's currently 0449AM). I go in at 1500 and get off at 2330. So I'll be home Tuesday morning around midnight my time, and will probably be up until 0300 again lol.
Hopefully the game goes live when I get home from work, if not; then I'll for sure be online tomorrow night!
I don’t think we have a confirmed time yet but it goes live at 6pm UK time tomorrow apparently
So that will be around noon my time. Which means I may be able to get a game or two in. I’ll be active tomorrow evening when I get home from work then lol
Haha, yeah I plan to play most of the night, I cannot wait to play through the campaign again.
Super Hyped for this and would love to be part of the spin up. I’ve been a long time halo fan and TAW is perfect for this. 5 games in the MCC alone not to mention Infinite coming next year. The possibilities with Forge are endless too. Man i am excited for Halos return