Hey, I'm looking to rejoin TAW but this time in the Star CItizen Division. I'm downloading Teamspeak right now, can anyone message me the TAW address and password?
Passord sent. ;)
Sorted, Thank you!
Greetings Pyrrus ! Nice to have old members rejoining in :)
Sentinel Lieutenant Commander
Reinstated, welcome back :) Mando is Sunday 1830 UTC, see you soon!
Welcome back!
Welcome back to TAW! SCZ is an awesome division ;) Have fun with them!
Welcome back
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
Pardon me, but I'm a member from two years back and was looking to be reinstated. Can anyone lend me a hand?
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." -Winston Churchill
Thank you. I just need the TAW address and password for the Team Speak server.
welcome back
"How may I help you?"
May I have the TS password as well? I'm looking to rejoin the Escape from Tarkov group
Is anyone here still waiting for the Teamspeak details ?
Sent you a PM Drinson