Hey all,
We as Vanguard receive transfers from Army units and from OPS in different places. Therefore we are anouncing that we want the transfers and all the other comms to be send in through the following email:
When you send out the transfer mail, make sure you CC the vgcc.taw@gmail in the email so our CC (Core Command) is uphold on the transfer mail.
If you have any questions on the above, feel free to message the VG staff.
Please disregard this and follow TAW policy for transfers. - MaverickSabre
Wouldn't the proper way be just to CC the correct chain of command?Like I can see why you are implementing this and not asking to stop you, but this looks to me like just another place which is going to receive emails. Maybe easier if we just teach people to CC the correct CoC.
(Reminds me a bit of this xkcd :) https://xkcd.com/927/ )
I think I agree with Marv here. When doing transfer emails, I find it much easier to look up the offices involved on TAW.net, see who is listed in position, and just email <callsign>@taw.net.
Perhaps we should have this conversation on TFO forums and discuss transfers there?
It’s because the callsign@taw.net mail forwarding system is busted. We receive some and miss a lot because it never goes through. Tried to have it fixed a couple times. Always ends up broken again, this works well for us in vanguard and it’s how we will start processing transfers into and out of vanguard. Also keeps our private emails from being sent out when responding.
While I welcome the debate, this isn't something we're currently discussing internally, it "just is".
To go with the above from Stiigletz, it's also not always the easiest thing to spell some user's names and is far more efficient to just email this one address.I know I cannot and will not be the only one to have either actually or nearly mis-spelled someone's name rather than something as simple as ""XXDivision.taw@gmail.com".
Even that aside, knowing it's incredibly unlikely to change in the future vs needing to go to the TAW website, trawl through to the relevant division and then finding several different people's names then get those down without then spelling them wrong either.
If there's a direct fault or problem with it beyond "preference" I'm open to hear the thoughts on this but so far the only reasoning against has been "Wouldn't it be easier...." when for us, well yes, this is easier!
It only affects Vanguard, we aren't asking anyone else to copy it and by all means, table a discussion regarding standardisation and/or change of policy to reflect how we should all do it - but for now, this both affects and works....us only and yes, we're happy with it
Easy solution just pm the chain of commands on the site. Why is this not in the TFO forums as the TFO's and above are the only ones who need this info since only those people can send transfer request?
Guys, this isn't really a discussion. If you are transferring members into Vanguard you need to use the emails we have designated. Vgcc.taw@gmail.com and VGdivision.taw@gmail.com it's that simple.
As stiigletz said the callsign@taw.net is broken so this is our solution that we are using.
Thank you
it’s posted here for all to see because Zists post clearly stated, transfers and all other comms. Whether that be general spin up inquiries, questions about VG, transfers, etc.
Adding these emails will not remove the requirement of all individual CoC is also cc´d as per policy, until we eventually standardize units emails and make them official all transfer requests should proceed as they were, using TAW email.
Thank you Cannas.
Just to clarify, the TAW email redirect is not broken. I have never heard of this problem before other than emails going to the junk folder, no one that I am aware of has brought this issue up before and I have been heavily involved in transfers on both the Army & Operations side of things for years.
As for people seeing your personal email, you should setup an email account just for TAW, problem solved and keeps your personal inbox from getting filled up with TAW business. Try Yahoo, it's been reliable for me and I have none of the issues that have been mentioned.
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
apparently you havent spoken to deathwing then. check my dossier, discharged and reinstated to try and fix the issue. Spoken with several other members with the same issues. It's been an issue for a while, kind of surprised you aren't aware of it
Yeah...nobody tells me anything so don't be surprised.
I guess I am speaking more from my own experiences and the people I am in contact with in TAW and I honestly can't think of anyone ever mentioning it. I can see that would be frustrating and wasn't trying to minimize the issue or say it never happens.
I'll go away now....
I know during my years in Vanguard, I can't recall any issues with these emails getting to where they needed to go by emailing the CoC.
That being said, I like simplicity in processes, and can see where this would make it easier.
One question I do have is why not make it even easier and make an email that copies in the VG divisional staff as well as the VG CC's so there is not two to type in.
Mistakes being made with typing in personal emails can also happen with these emails too. So seems making one that sends it to all of you would work best. Just a thought.
One more question. If people send it the old way, is that going to cause issues if the emails do go to all the correct parties?
I will say this in my years in MMD and its predecessors I have sent a lot of emails for streaming workshops and whatnot and have definitely had more than few get eaten. But it was a very infrequent a few times a year tops.