Anyone here have any interest in playing on a TAW friends only server on 7 days to die? Ive been really enjoying playing the game again, and in my opinion the overhaul mods have gotten a lot more stable and only add more flavor to the game. Mssg me if anyone wants to play :D
there are about 8 of us playing on a public server in the hll div
Im a huge fan of the game with over 7500 hours and going strong.
what times and days do you play?
Division Commander, MechWarrior Online
1st, 2nd, 3rd Battalion
1st Corps, TAW
I also play the game a bit myself pretty sure there's a few in apex who do as well
Hey guys. I'll set up a channel for everyone who wants to play under Vanguard Tier 4 in TS, if you guys would like a channel to play in. In addition, I'll create a thread for you guys under game interest in the Discord where you guys can also share info.
Hi everyone, in a couple weeks I will be starting up a TAW only 7 Days to Die private server. I worked with ICEnICE to set it up and when I return back to work (just had surgery) I will fire it up.
I will be using either the Ravenhearst or Darkness Falls mod.I'm leaning toward Darkness Falls.
The number of player slots will depend on how many members show interest.
Please tell me which mod you prefer, to help me make my decision.
I might be interested in getting back into 7DTD if I can tear myself away from my latest obsession; DayZ. I enjoyed playing it in the past with fellow TAW members.
Hi Everyone,
My TAW 7DtD server with Darkness Falls mod is up and running. Please email me or visit in Treasury channel if you need any help installing the Darkness Falls mod and obtaining the server name, password.
Please be advised that the server is for TAW members since I only have 15 slots for a player count and wish to have them utilized by TAW members.
Thanks and happy hunting
Captain Brumbar