Hello everyone, hope everyone are doing good this days :)
My name is Yoav, I was discharged for past 2 years due to studies, work and family, but hopefully now I have everything working and some routine going on without any unpredictable circumstances haha, so figured this is the best time to go back home to TAW, I'm really happy to see you all, and really happy to be back!
Hopefully soonish I'll meeting much more new friends both in CS:GO and TAW as a unit, and will have lots of fun as earlier.
Following that, can someone give me a short brief on what I missed?
Specially on all the jokes that I didn't hear! I would like and appreciate to hear everything hehehe.
Hey welcome back !
Always nice to see members coming back and I hope you'll find your home as cosy as it was.
See you soon online !
Sentinel Lieutenant Commander
Welcome back!
welcome back Yoav see you later one these days I will play with you guys on CS:GO and see you online
Thanks everyone, @GhostJJman, I'm always up for fun game hhh :) So poke me when ever you feel like budd
Welcome back - over the last 2 years, we've also acquired a discord server come drop in if you use it :D