Greetings everyone,
For the past 6 months, we've been working hard at Arma in Sentinel. Kylegeo and myself have been acting as Arma TFOs, dual rolling with our Sentinel duties.
The division underwent lots of changes and restructuration. Left to die with only 11 members left, it rose back up to the point where we became the 5th larger division in TAW, shining once more !
The time then came to think of a new TFO, dedicated to Arma, and that choice became Almerra.
Through all those months, Arma members worked hard to reach this result. I cannot name them all, it was a team effort that ultimately allowed Almerra to step up form his CO position.
So Almerra, welcome back to the TFO world, we know you will do the greatest of work at this position.
Everyone, feel free to congratulate and kick him out of TS whenever you see him!
NobSya [SN DC]
Sentinel Lieutenant Commander
Now there's a name I haven't seen in ages, congrats Almerra! I'm sure you'll do great
Congrats and keep up the good work!
Congrats to Almerra & everyone on the team.
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
Congratulations Almerra, having you back to TAW and now TFO is amazing. I do remember you on Stormwind fountain, where you recruited me. Memories about TAW we should never forget.