Hey guys
Any of you played or currently playing SW Combine?
I played way back when at the turn of Year 11. I remember the big shots of Eidola suiciding into the Maw to gen new characters apart from Squall Chitoss.
Have they put combat in yet?
Yea, they have started to put combat vs npc. To be honest, it is kinda boring to only be flying around and such....And requires lots of time commitment, which I am fine with it, if I were kinda addicted to it like the majority of players there seem to be.
I know this thread is super old. Is anyone playing this? I have been since 2006. Is there any interest in putting it in TAW?
This looks kinda interesting. How exactly does it work? Like an RPG kind of?
As far as I know, the game is played entirely through text-based interactions, and players can create and customize their characters, join factions, and participate in a variety of in-game events and scenarios. So it is a text-based online RPG.
It is kind of a mix now. You move your person about the galaxy acquiring things along the way. I started in Logistics, moving ships and people for the Hapes Consortium. Now I have more ships that I can shake a stick at, I'm an honorary Mandalorian (before being Mandalorian was cool). After being with Hapes I joined Black Sun. That is where the fun took off. Now I am with a mining faction, doing pretty much what I want and get paid for it. My race is a Diathim. I mutated from a Corellian. But I still drink my whiskey from a bottle wrapped tight with a paper bag, among other cool things...