I need help. I can dual lane as well as a 1k mmr player can dual lane but trilane I am lost. Every time I am in a trilane I feel like I have no clue because I have no clue what to do. I suck at communicating so I just sit silently and it is frustrating for me and my team. So watiching replays I have the following questions to try and unsuck at trilaning.
1. what are some things I should look for on the map to signal a rotation? I feel like every time I see a lane pushed out by the time I get there the lane has changed and the enemy is back under their tower.
2. How do you harass without sapping xp but without being under leveled. last game I was AA and he is not much of a farmer. I was 8 min in and at level 4 so for the rest of the game I was horribly under leveled. Do I rotate more to try and get gank xp? I feel like a 3rd wheel in these games and not a third hero.
3. when do you push towers vs go help a lane. I feel like I always get this one wrong. I see the other team pushing our tower bot so I push my lane to tower and the rest of my team heads to help our team mate. Then 5 min later I see the same tower being pushed and TP in only to see it is just me and offlaner.
I do not need black and white rules but if anyone has pointers that would be great.
(My guesses/opinions, feel free to correct)
1. Look for signs that the lane is going to push in your direction instead of rotating when it already is pushed, like their support just did a single pull or the lane has two enemy ranged creeps.
2. It's okay for the support to be under leveled in a trilane, as long as your carry is getting all of the room he/she needs to farm. AA is hard to gank with if your mid/offlane doesn't have some lockdown. You can use runes (haste and invis) to gauge when to gank. Try harassing their offlaner from a farther distance from the creep wave, like coming out of the jungle right next to the stairs, if you're afraid the offlaner will try to kill you, just have the other support in the trilane join you. Most trilanes involve one support pulling/stacking and the other harassing, unless that harassing turns into kills, the support that is pulling will get more farm/xp, the support that harasses will get a majority of his/her farm from teamfights that you win because your carry is obscenely fat from a great earlygame.
3. Go help a lane if your teammate will die without help, or you can kill their carry in the process, don't help if your teammate will die regardless, as this may also result in you dying. At this part you may want to communicate with your team, to see if you want to engage in a teamfight or try to push. If you really feel like being a hermit you can look to see if everyone else in your team has a tp scroll, if they do, then watch to see if anyone TPs, then use your own, if no one TPs (or is no one has a TP), just push your lane.
But everything in dota is situational, use your best judgement while avoiding mistakes you've made before.
Hope this helps, even though it's structured horribly.
hi guys completely out of context but I'm new here where do I start? I want to play with you guys.
-Use tps to gank if possible unless you feel that you can catch someone on the way(smokes)
-Trilane? Only one of you should be in the lane in any time if possible, stack,pull the 1 min mark stack is more important than ever now that creeps only respawn per 2 minute intervals. If the offlaner isn't getting any closer, send out one of your supports( you or other, preferably with disables) to roam around mid to win the lane. Bounties and stacks will take care of your xp and gold needs. Of course you should try and stay with a spectre/naga because they are garbage laners. Generally, your offlaner should be at the same level as you, your carry should have a higher level. You'll get the hang of it eventually. EXP range = 1200, twice your attack range. Move out when you see ranged creeps dying for a start if you;re not close to important levels(2,3,6) - basically when you will get 2 spells,3 spells and your ult.
-Dependent on lineups. They jsut tped to another lane? Push. They have ults but you don't? Push, unless its t2 before 15 min and t3. If they are grouping up, and you have a better late game and wave clearer, split up. Better teamfight? Get it, be mindful of your CD. Force tps as much as possible. When you tp, make use of the shrines in order to tp faster.
-Need some quick money? Get a medium camp. Need exp? Leech when your cores went to shrines/runes. You should have level 6 before minute 10 in normal situations... or was it 10? It's been a month and I haven't touch this patch honestly. Take some consideration before teamfighting. What will it accomplish? Why are you doing it?