Hello all,
I'm Karl and i used to play as TAW_Wardy when TAW was hanging out with Black Hawk Down , im currently getting into BF3 once i can get past the current installation issues that im experiencing would be great to hear from anyone who was also here when it was the BHD era !!!!! talk soon :)
oh yeah i forgot , i would love to hear from NoCents, Tbone, Tank, Lioness, Rob, Latrang, Nitro, Tazmanian,blackhawk, roadrage,icedogg,outcast,judgedredd,readyeddy , god the list is endless would be really good to catch up after 6 years !!!!!!! take care all
Hey Wardy
NoCents just retired. The only other members still around are Taz and Blackhawk...
Hey Wardy! Long time no see. Nocents just retired but he is still on Steam playing every now and then.
Hellooooo !!!!!! great to hear from you both hows things ? ill have to grab his steam address at some point and add him , Im looking forward to gaming with you all again :)
Welcome back Wardie, How do you like the new and improved TAW?
Looks fantastic !!! was seeing if i could use my old login earlier but no luck lol its been a while though :)
Finally got my old profile working :) cant believe its still here :)
HAHAHA completely forgot about the beret !! glad its still holding strong for you , Yeah time does fly mate, yeah TAZ is chewing my clay-mores still ( TAZ you cant deny it hahaha) and how right you are Tank those were excellent years, and I'm so glad to be back i have the same feeling all over again :) which is fantastic, would love to catch up on TS mate:) I also hear that you still occasional play BHD so im going to have to re-install it to come and chill with you. I think there are still a few of the ole "War Dogs" about :) anyway ill catch up with you soon mate take care ps Hi Lioness and the Cubs :) all the best
He Tank, good to see you found your way back to the TAW forums. good to hear you are doing oke. Maybe you jump on the TS server soon, pm me for the details.
Hi TBone m8, Aye it's been ages lol. I hope you are fine as well.
Just thought to say hello to you lads and ladettes. I will find out how to PM hahaha.
Brand new website ey? Looks stunning.
Hope to speak to you soon.
Aaarghh forgot about your special anti- Tank claymores in BHD......hehehe