WE would like to welcome MMG to the VG CLC position.Thanks for agreeing to help out.
Please feel free to kick him.
Congrats MMG welcome to CC and the VG team ! Glad to have you aboard!
Friendship-Loyalty-Honor-Team work
Congratulations MMG!
Welcome to Central Command.
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
Well done MMG! Welcome to the CC team.
Congrats and well deserved Sir
Congrats MMG!! looking forward to working with you.
Congrats with the deserved promotion!
You're only as strong as your weakest link
Congratz MMG! Welcome to the big leagues.
Grats MMG. Welcome :)
I think that last map was Hades Squad Vs KenK - StevenBelfast
Congratulations MMG, you earned it
Congratulations, MMG!
Congrats MMG, GLHF and get to work!
Great, now I got 2 bosses.Welcome onboard buddy