So I noticed we reached the 2000 Mark, we just keep growing.
Also we (As of writing this) have exactly 2012 members. A neat way to end the year 2012 if you ask me.
a Big HOOAH to TAW and to every member within.
WOOAH!And a great way to end the year :)Be safe with the fireworks ^^
Hooahh!! congrats everyone!!
Good job, 2000 members, nice !!
i say we do a fundraiser to erect our official HQ on the moon.
gz to all!!
congrats gj!
Incredible how fast we've grown over the past months. GZ to all!
By issues with the website please mail
gratz all!
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
Congratulations TAW , let the good times roll !!!!!
^ What this gentlemen and scholar said.
Congratulations to the TAW community. We are multiplying like mushrooms after rain. <3