Hook: Oh boy, this one caught me off guard... I really do love you guys!
Oh boy, this one caught me off guard... I really do love you guys!
Unanimous vote too!...got to love that.
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
We figured you couldn't discharge all of CC at once.
ah hah many lols! Good stuff!
i got 3 gumps ( in 6 months time:p )
my first on i totaly losy why i got it ( probebly one i didnt earnd :p )
second one whas for a recruiting not having his tags on ts
and on the last one i probebly did something stupid but i have no idea what anymore
(incase u would ask yes i do alot of stupid things :p )
Surprisingly enough in the years I've been here(way back when UTIII was around) I haven't received a gump. Although I cam close one time. During a match in UTIII I have started up a flag run, and had gotten back to my base. When I reached the flag stand I noticed people around it and came in guns blazing, calling for backup, spotting enemies, and shooting at teammates. Thank friendly fire was on. To bad suicides don't count...
Mafia and i, are sitting and having a small-talk conversation in CoH Division Office, when we notice that our mate Hellduke got promoted in the SW division.
Naturally, we want to go and congratulate him, so im dragging Mafia up there.. I think .
What actually happens is, i catch the Age of Conan division, and move it into some random Starwars channel.
That broke a sweat ^^
Would this be worthy of a Gump?
A player calls in a bomber that wipes out his allies. Then it gets shot down and destroys his own base?
i'd call that a gump indeed.
Hook, don't you have a gump award or two?
He actually got 3 ^^
Kingcheese: Hook, don't you have a gump award or two?
@KingCheese....Easy turbo, you may find yourself with a new "Gump" if your not careful!...LOL
Hook is your Commanding Officer
I know that Gundam has/had like 10.
I'm not sure what attracts me most. Bit it certainly does. I've been gone for several years, than i came back than i left again, and came back again. It is like its always calling me back 'home'. I'm not sure, but i feel like 'home' in here. I love it! :)
@ Kinch oh that was funny xD
Well time to wake this thread again!
I have in a very short period of time received not one but 2 Gump medals (yaay)
Both are administrative so not as fun as driving a tank over your DC or anything like that.
My first Gump medal was as a SO when I was told to Discharge a member from our EU battalion. I decided to Discharge a member from NA also at the same time because he had asked to be discharged. Not being told how to, or that I could not do it as an SO (at least I could not do it) I just went to the unit page and removed them. All good I thought but later Eifer was all up in my face about how much work I gave him. I Gump’ed ^^
Second one I got as an XO and I share it very lovely with my DO Eifer ( ^_^ ) I submitted a “Bug” to Eifer in OS about an error in the attendance. I though events you had attended was falling off since It only showed ½ of all the events most of us had done.
I reported this “error” and Eifer could not answer why so he asked Cutthroat, and voila ! We both got Gump’ed!
Turns out you can sort by period and I had 30 days ,so naturally they fell away ^^