I got my gump for on the 1st of april going and sending a division wide e-mail telling them all they had 3 AWOLs... my wonderful DC eplained it perfectly:
For making an April fools "too many AWOL's" joke to the entire Nuclear Dawn Division and then taking the day off, leaving his awesome DC and fellow Officers to deal with the fallout, Metamorphyse is hereby awarded the Gump Award.Ekis
yeah i totally forgot i'd excused myself for the match that night,... i did however have a good laugh with the e-mail replies.
Haha yeah I remember the fuss when that happened :D I laughed at it but I guess poor Ekis had it harder ^_^
So, judging by the thread response. We can safely presume 5 ways to get a Gump:
1. If you have to ask, you just got one.
2. If you proclaim that you don't have one, we'll rectify that right away!
3. Did you do something on TS or the Website to mess things up? No problem, we'll just forever mark the occasion! *
4. Did you ever tell FarCry how well they're doing, Mr. Hook? ;)
5. Killing your TAW teammates... Preferably in a large of an explosion as possible
* - Although to be honest, this deserves it's own award.
I got my Gump for resetting a campaign instead of the match during a Code Red Tournament.
I always maintained I didn't deserve it, but the entire Battalion, they seemed very sure I did.
Here's to the Gump award!
Got mine being DO
I was just promoted, and was settling in, and i got my first discharge list, and was told to take care of it. The list had the name of PL that needed to be dc, but instead of dcing the PL, i dced 2nd battalions CO.
One day I was testing out my new plugin...
/ma t (chanel id/TF Lounge)
"You have been banned from the server for flooding commands"
(I go to steam and ask Gant...) "I just used the wrong command didn't I"
Cause, learning to use the mass move plugin, effect, a single chanel with 96 members in it, and 2 gumps)
Second was for the (coincidental) accidental sabotage of a WT match, apparently they were too slow to tell that comms went haywire :3 Just sayin.
Do or do not. There is no "Try."
I remember that plugin ^^ good times, good times.
StealthMist: I got my Gump for resetting a campaign instead of the match during a Code Red Tournament. I always maintained I didn't deserve it, but the entire Battalion, they seemed very sure I did.
Ooh, you deserved it Stealth!
I'm not gonna explain my Gump, I think the comment posted be EpsilonAlpha on it does it justice.
Here at TAW, we recognise people for their efforts in everything. I would like to bring to attention the efforts of one member in particular, that of Andrewki. Andrewki has shown constant dedication in many aspects of Tribes: Ascend. His persistence and incredible skill is stunning. I, and many others, believe that Andrewki should be recognised for his skill and his many efforts. Andrewki has shown supreme kill in the art of team killing in a spectacular fashion. His ability to help the opposing team defeat his actual squad losing in an insanely closely-fought, intense game of Tribes: Ascend is mesmerizing. The scores were locked even in overtime, the team that manages to get the next cap wins. The offense has done a masterful job of clearing the enemy stand. The defense has done a majestic job of holding off the enemy offense. The path to victory is clear. Nothing can possibly go wrong now. I was coming in to grab the flag off the stand, nothing standing in our way on our path to victory. Then, Andrewki. His incredibly badly placed Fusion Mortar manages to take me out in spectacular fashion, and thus preventing our win The efforts of 6 players, all functioning perfectly as a team, were undone that day. After all the blood, sweat and tears... it was painful to see the opposing team manage to get a cap. The game should have been ours! It WAS ours! Unfortunately, Andrewki managed to demoralise us to the point where he was recommended for this truly spectatular prize. A very well deserved award.
about a month after I joined I tried to use the whisper setting in TS to one person but instead I did it to all the commanding officer and after a got about 50 messages with "?" on and now that was scary needless to say I have never used it since
reading these story's kinda made me chuckle
so i has 2 story's to tell
both these story's are from back in the quakewars days were stealth was a normal player and yes i do remember the day you accidentally restarted the server
so we were playing sewer as strogg and i as i was the best cyclops driver got the duty of driving the cyclops
i put myself behind the first objective and called out to my team mates stay away from the first objective
now did they listen
not really
i had 15ish teamkills and 3 times as much enemy kills
any one who got close to the objective was boom fodder
then the second time
i was just appointed platoon leader
to celebrate that seeing as live in the netherlands i had a buddy get some good stuff from the coffeeshop
so first game as a platoon leader i explain all the tactics for the map in the designated 5 mins we had
when i was done i get to hear a enemy teamplayer saying did you know you were talking in global
apparently i pressed the wrong button and they knew my plan
pressing the global button i said ok guys that plan i just had scrap it
went from scratch and actually did that ever since winning the bfe
good times good times
1st one was when Combat Arms was a full division and when I was known as Sunhai.
I didn't have one and I volunteered for the Tournament's Gump award.
2nd one was in FC 4th battalion when I "accidently" killed Mojo with a machete. my excuse "I'm sorry I might have accidentally slipped"
Here is my one and only so far: In BFBC2 we where involved in our first scrim match My squad was assigned to defend the far point. One random guy came over and we saw him and started to attack him. In this i announce that i was dropping mortars on the building he was in. I got my only kill of the match which was my own teammate.
I remember it well Nuke as I nominated you for that rare thing...a battlefield gump.
I think it was Shrewslayer you got, me and someone else barely made it through the windows in time.
Ahhh, fun times :p
"What's the point of being a grown up if you can't act like a child?"
I shot a building in practice from the back of a rocket pickup in arma.... The building fell and blew up several of my team mates.