I didn't get a Gump Medal for this but I would qualify this as a Gump Story. During my in game bootcamp, we were on the AT Practice course and we were using the Javelin, but I ALT+TAB while looking at the ground and well...tabbed back in and there is a glitch makes you shoot and I blew up everyone except for the person that was closest to me and he revived everyone. Technically I was told I made TAW history, because I was the first person to nearly kill all my squad during an in game bootcamp.
TBone: Now that is Gump worthy - what a good story. Sometime i feel the Gump lost it's touch of being a medal you don't want. My Gump isn't that good, i just kicked a DI as DC of BF:division with the reason out of unicorn because i thought the starting rank of a DI was LCP but it was CPL. Hunter found that a good enough reason to give me a Gump.
Now that is Gump worthy - what a good story. Sometime i feel the Gump lost it's touch of being a medal you don't want. My Gump isn't that good, i just kicked a
DI as DC of BF:division with the reason out of unicorn because i thought the starting rank of a DI was LCP but it was CPL. Hunter found that a good enough reason to give me a Gump.
Am I the only one who noticed that apparently said DI was out of uniCORN?
Yeah I caught that, some folks post that as the reason when they kick someone from Teamspeak after a promotion instead of "out of uniform"...to be funny I guess.
Gen5 Bravehardt | Board of Directors
Virtutis Gloria Merces
Garg 'n Uair Dhuisgear
Bravehardt: Yeah I caught that, some folks post that as the reason when they kick someone from Teamspeak after a promotion instead of "out of uniform"...to be funny I guess.
I'll be you 10 cookies that it started in League of Legends. All those people are pony fans!
Eifer: Bravehardt: Yeah I caught that, some folks post that as the reason when they kick someone from Teamspeak after a promotion instead of "out of uniform"...to be funny I guess. I'll be you 10 cookies that it started in League of Legends. All those people are pony fans!
I can definitely agree we got some pony fans arround. Though many of the hardcore ponies have moved away from the division overtime. So the pony-powa is not as strong anymore.
well out of unicorn has been done in the DF division, was one time a false text and hen fast used by. officers then
Tús maith leath na hoibre.
Well back in my WoT Div. days, we were doing Steel Wars season 3 pre season practice, the map was Komarin and I was in my tier 7 Russian medium KV-13 and I went diving at high speeds off a cliff into deep water and died. In my defense it was my 2nd time playing the map and I though the water was shallow.
richster: Eifer: Bravehardt: Yeah I caught that, some folks post that as the reason when they kick someone from Teamspeak after a promotion instead of "out of uniform"...to be funny I guess. I'll be you 10 cookies that it started in League of Legends. All those people are pony fans! I can definitely agree we got some pony fans arround. Though many of the hardcore ponies have moved away from the division overtime. So the pony-powa is not as strong anymore.
since NupidStoob become CC, pony fans dying in LL :O
Garg'n Uair Dhuisgear By Bravehardt
My gump award came shortly after accidentally approving 4 members for multiple 1 Year in TAW medals. I clicked several times on the approve button however when I thought it wasn't going through it totally was.
Terror: My gump award came shortly after accidentally approving 4 members for multiple 1 Year in TAW medals. I clicked several times on the approve button however when I thought it wasn't going through it totally was.
Urgh.. been there, done that.
tazmanian: well out of unicorn has been done in the DF division, was one time a false text and hen fast used by. officers then
Yep, it was used a lot in the original BF division, too.
JordonDummy: Well back in my WoT Div. days, we were doing Steel Wars season 3 pre season practice, the map was Komarin and I was in my tier 7 Russian medium KV-13 and I went diving at high speeds off a cliff into deep water and died. In my defense it was my 2nd time playing the map and I though the water was shallow.
XD i remember that day, when you did that you also tried to drive out and i conveniently being on the enemy team drove up and held you under the water and finished your drowning process lol
oh also i probably should of gotten a gump for it but i can't remember which person in army command it was started with an E. i was talking to someone in channel and was gonna move someone to the channel well because i use E as my push to talk key and was on teamspeak it moved my ts straight to the first person with E and i moved the person and didn't notice till i got a text from the person and i was like "oh sorry sorry i didn't mean to move you," i wish i remembered his name, although if he reads this he might remember might of been eifer or another Army Command person with E lol
Aww Eifer you really lack sensitivity here: Ponies are not Unicorns :P
However I can assure you that I never wrote out of unicorn in any kickmessage and I've never heard of it until I read it here.
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Well this one is not a gump I got but rather a one I gave to someone (it was awarded by someone else, but the idea was mine). a certain member whose name I will not reveal () sat with me and some friends in WT EU channel and somehow Scotland became the topic of discussion, said member then apparently claimed he had never heard of nor had he any Idea What and Where Scotland is.
It was made so much funnier as a Scottish member in the channel started getting really annoyed by this. imho, a gump which was well deserved. (as a side joke, a few minutes after awarding the gump to said member, he informed us he was being drafted into the IDF. I made sure to point out he should use his option to opt out of the IAF if it's suggested, as he might get lost in the air)