• Re: Looking to get better

    I didn't see you in our roster, so I will simply suggest joining up. I was in a very similar boat, where I came from HoN, and felt like I wasn't really progressing. I joined up and it was one of the best things I ever did. There are tons of very high skilled players who are willing to play/teach/help you progress, and the inhouses 3 nights a
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 15/05/2013
  • Re: Derp? How does this work?

    I know we ran some try-outs of players not in TAW when we lost our main carry player. But ended up not going with any of them.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 04/05/2013
  • Re: Derp? How does this work?

    EDIT: wedges beat me to it :( 1. Kinare is a her ;) 2. Usually 20+ members show up, there is a brief announcements, at which point we group up into skill brackets, get separated into teams, and play one, or sometimes two, inhouses. These are often cast by other members of TAW. 3. The team captains are as follows: Rukudo/iKoN, Hao, SquishPuddin, and
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 02/05/2013
  • Re: DOTA2 Quiz with Prizes

    1. Which hero's are still needing to get ported from Dota1 to Dota2? What Atzeopfa said 2.What is the Strongest (in terms of damage) non-ult spell you can have in Dota2 providing perfect circumstances. Earthshakers 2nd skill (enchant totem?)with the proper items, runes, buffs etc. 3.Besides GG branch , what are the most cost effective top 3 items
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 28/03/2013
  • Re: Suggestions for new mice

    I used a Logitech G9 back in the day, and after switching between a few different ones, ended up going back to it as my favorite mouse and currently rock the G9x. However both the G500 and G700(wireless) are great mice and get my recommendation. I had and liked a Roccat Kone+, but both mine and my brothers developed scroll wheel issues, so you might
    Posted to StarCraft 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 01/03/2013
  • Re: Meeting my DI?

    Find one of the top guns on steam iKoN or Evil would be your best bet there, or just hop on teamspeak, find the DOTA 2 section and whisper everyone you see with a DI tag, or a decent rank. Someone will be able to help you. The DOTA 2 section is in the 5th Corps Area.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 13/02/2013
  • Re: Games due for Beta or general Release 2013

    Dota 2 is expected to be released this year as well. Also: Dayz Standalone.
  • Re: I have 5 keys

    This is our thread of people with keys to spare if you want to add your name to that.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by sixxtoes on 30/01/2013
  • Re: Make up a word game

    Farctate The act of sneaking garbage into the possession of another. Asking someone to hold your empty cup and walking away would be an example of successful farctation. The word actually has a different meaning but this was a balderdash definition that stuck with my friends.
  • Open World Space Sim

    Epic game being made, just spreading the word. http://starcitizen.robertsspaceindustries.com/ Check it out, pledge if you like it. I want to play this so badly. -sixx
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