The CIC Election has come to a close, three candidates, Bravehardt, Doc and SoonerOKC, were nominated for TAW’s most serious and sacred position, the Commander-In-Chief. Unfortunately, there can only be one. All three candidates did an excellent job and are to be applauded for their commitment and willingness to take on such a task. As of March
Hello TAW, We have concluded interviews for the CIC Candidates and voting is now open for the next 48 hours. All three of the CIC candidates did a great job today answering real-time questions in front of TAW at the TFO meeting. Please take the time to review the recording below: (Sorry for the background noise, we’ll get that fixed going forward
The TAW Community Fundraiser Winners! were announced today at the TFO Meeting. The fundraiser successfully raised over $2,000 USD which will go towards funding the website, TS3 Server and TAW 3.0 development. The winners are: 1st Place Winner: $300 NewEgg GiftCard (or EU/OC Equilvalent) & CIC for the Day DukeNukem 2nd Place Winners: Razer