Do you have topics you want to speak about but dont know how? The Triangle Table is the forum for you. We will discuss any TAW topic, point you in the right direction or bring the topic to the CC for voting. The Triangle table is open to ALL, from a new recruit to the CIC. Hope to see you there The first meeting will be held on Apr 5, then weekly. Claire
Welcome TAW to the Blog from the Triangle Table. The triangle Table has had a fabulous year, the community helped in creating new policy, including: Loyalty Policy Chain Of Command Mediated Meetings We also discussed User Names, Relationships with the Community, Discord and a whole raft of smaller discussions brought by the members directly to the Triangle
To All Of TAW Wishing you and your family health, happiness, peace and prosperity this Christmas and in the coming New Year. I just want to thank every one for all there efforts in making the Triangle Table a resounding sucsess in 2021. We have achieved so much and have so many projects still in the pipe line for 2022. I have now closed the Triangle
Hi everybody, We would like to officially announce the first CS Wingman tournament for the year 2019. This is going to be a TAW-wide event and we hope to see you there along with any friends from within TAW. Below you will find the link to the rules document on Google Drive, that way you can keep an eye out for anything that might change, but we will
Welcome to the Sep-Oct edition of the CS:GO Divisional Newsletter! This is our sixth newsletter of the year, it’s getting colder outside, FaceIT Major is over and many new updates have been added for CS:GO like 2 new maps and MP5-SD support in competitive matchmaking. Enjoy this month’s newsletter and don’t forget that you can always
Welcome to the Jun-Aug edition of the CS:GO Divisional Newsletter! In this edition we will cover the newest CS:GO update - For our fifth newsletter of the year, we are going to keep it simple and fast, most of us are on vacation, like almost 100k hackers in the last month have gone! Enjoy this month’s newsletter and don’t forget that you
Welcome to the Apr / May edition of the CS:GO Divisional Newsletter! In this edition we will cover the newest CS:GO update - VACnet. Due to timings, the newsletter is now Bi-monthly. We will be covering The NA time Change and updates in Counter Strike . Enjoy the read and we will be back again in July.!