• Good news for sub 2k mmr players

    Day9 and Purge are doing a beginners guide to Dota 2. This does not focus on hero builds it focuses on basic mechanics for brand new players. A lot is redundant but there is so much to gleen I thought I would post a link. They are long videos but I have a job that allows for videos to play while I work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8AyrC5Ki31c
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 08/02/2017
  • Hey guys from the trenches

    Match 2935215070 This is a match I played last night and we lost horribly. If one of you has time maybe I can get some constructive criticism. I know there are things I could do better. After watching I think I could have warded my mid laner and rotated. It was tough team to play with but I could have played better and I think the first 10-15 min is
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 24/01/2017
  • Re: TAW Dota 2 Tournament!

    Do you think this will be large enough for separate skill levels or will this just be 5 people to a team no MMR cap?
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 10/01/2017
  • Why do I suck at trilanes?

    I need help. I can dual lane as well as a 1k mmr player can dual lane but trilane I am lost. Every time I am in a trilane I feel like I have no clue because I have no clue what to do. I suck at communicating so I just sit silently and it is frustrating for me and my team. So watiching replays I have the following questions to try and unsuck at trilaning
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 29/11/2016
  • Re: WeMade Replay V2!

    Oh this skywrath is awesome thanks man.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 24/10/2016
  • Re: WeMade Replay V2!

    So watching my replays on lion I see my biggest issue in my bad games is levels and farm. Once I get behind I am lost on catching up with Lion without stealing levels from a core. I know WeMade never gets behind on levels but imagine for a second that you found yourself in that situation what are options for gaining levels/farm from behind with Lion
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 17/10/2016
  • Sorry I can't make practice on Sunday :)

    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 11/08/2016
  • Re: WeMade Replay V2!

    Request for a Huskar game.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 20/07/2016
  • Re: WeMade Replay V2!

    This is great, Thanks for taking your time to help me get better.
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 07/07/2016
  • Re: Excited to play.

    Welcome King of Hate. It took about a week to get my DI done and worth the wait. See you at practice soon!
    Posted to Dota 2 (Forum) by Kotlcarry on 09/06/2016
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