• Re: MWO: New Skill Tree Q & A

    Thanks for this Hammer!! you are spot on except for the quirks. The quirks are still there especially the armour & structure quirks on the IS mechs, some weapon quirks are gone, some are still there, it depends on the mech. For example, the Adder-D has lost it's 30% UAC jam chance reduction whereas the Dragon-5N & Cicada-3M have retained
    Posted to Mechwarrior Online (Forum) by doktorbike on 04/06/2017
  • Re: Skill tree, Discussion, Guides, Theorycrafting (long + image heavy)

    Don't feel disheartened by the new skill tree. once you have played with it a little you will quickly know where you want to put your skill points & the most efficient routes to those points. Yes it is a big nerf to ALL(especially Clans) chassis, some more than others but this has increased the time to kill which is what PGI intended. I personally
    Posted to Mechwarrior Online (Forum) by doktorbike on 04/06/2017
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