"Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (ET:QW) is a tactical shooter video game, and is a prequel to events in Quake II. It is also the first game in the series to be rated T by the ESRB (with the descriptors of Mild Language and Violence. Mild Blood is featured but only on the Microsoft Windows version). It is set in the same science fiction universe as Quake II and Quake 4, with a minimal back-story serving as a prequel to Quake II. It is the second multiplayer-focused game in the Quake series after Quake III Arena. Quake Wars features similar gameplay to Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, but with the addition of controllable vehicles and aircraft as well as multiple AI deployables,[11] asymmetric teams, much larger maps and the option of computer-controlled bot opponents. Unlike the previous Enemy Territory games, Quake Wars is a commercial release rather than a free download. Quake Wars is a class-based, objective focused, team-oriented game. Teams are based on human (GDF) and alien (Strogg) technology. While the teams are asymmetrical, both sides have the same basic weapons and tools to complete objectives. Unlike other team-based online games (such as the Battlefield series), the gameplay is much more focused on one or two main objectives at once, rather than spread all over the combat area. This allows for much more focused and intense combat situations, similar to the original Unreal Tournament assault mode. Each player class normally has new objectives show up during game play, many times based around the specific capabilities of that class. The game also has the capability to group players into fireteams for greater coordinated strategy. These fireteams can be user created or game generated depending on the mission selected by the player. The game has an experience points (XP) rewards system in place, which rewards every player some points depending on the mission completed. This accumulated XP later leads to unlocks which may vary from availability of new equipment/weapons to abilities like faster movement or more accurate weapons.[13] These rewards are reset to zero after the completion of every campaign, which consists of three unique maps, all with a common locale/region." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ratings the game was given from many sources suggested that this game was one of the best. It garnered award after award for gameplay, design, etc. The fact that after going on sale in late 2007, there are still people playing this game, and as a matter of fact, still buying it. This has proven that this game has exceeded all the maker's expectations. We still Play the same QW game, but with a twist. We have several mods for the game that have extended its' life, as well as changing things up while still keeping the same game. We have ProMod (small team competition mod), Tactical Assault (added vehicles, changed a few weapons, and added blood spatter), Dusk (zombie mod), Tribal Assault (tribes mod), and Wheels of War (racing mod). All those mods to choose from, and even more custom maps than what was provided by the designers. All of these were all created by the players, so you know it is about the game! Quake Wars was literally my first ever FPS. It was a gift from a friend who thought I would enjoy it. As it turns out, I loved it. I have been a member of TAW, and the QW Division since December of '08. I was recruited into TAW, and worked my way from a lowly recruit. I worked my way up to DI, SL, XO, CO, DO, and now DC. I have been the DC for 18 months now, and plan on staying here to the end. I do not expect ot just go away, as there is at least 1 game that will hopefully be in Horizon before we lock the doors on QW. So I invite everyone in TAW, and anyone else that may be reading this, get a copy of ET:QW, come talk to us in the QW channel, and have some fun on a proven game. Although it is not the prettiest game out there, it has stood the test of time. Let us show you what its all about!