World of Warcraft has had a tumultuous history with TAW to say the least. After the original WW division collapsed amid numerous scandals, many felt the game would never return to TAW again. Instrumental in the rebirth and redemption of WoW was former Age of Conan XO and OS support team member Bamsen. CherryLaneKilla caught up the the always upbeat WW first officer.
--What might someone be surprised to know about you--
I’m a Baker but I wasn't always a baker I used to work for the forest service, with foxes the very wild animals specifically the endangered “Kit Fox” . I really didn’t get into gaming until I was in my late 20’s I was an Outdoor person , nowadays I'm more of a stay at home, relax after a hard day & go out fishing once or twice a week type of guy. It’s funny how our lives evolve and change.
--Do you have any special hobbies or activities outside of online gaming/TAW?--
Yes! I collect and sample tea! I know it sounds crazy but I love the flavors and mass variety I have drawers full of nothing but tea =) O and did I mention I love to fish?
--What made you decide to join up with TAW?--
I was part of a long lasting clan for almost 11 years, they been around 23 now but very inactive, I started playing the game “Age of Conan” where I use to be a GM for the company. I was recruited by Booklet & Ridgewalker to TAW and said that I could be a valued asset to TAW & after seeing the family and community I was hooked!
--What have been some (if any) difficulties in Spinning up your respective game?--
We already have great people we just want more great people. ;)
--What do you do to recruit?--
We are attempting to do more one on one recruiting in order to personalize the guilds feel & direction we are heading, in by doing so it seems to be working quite well.
--What are some of the differences you have seen that separate the different units in WOW?--
Nothing, I think World Of Warcraft is not better or stronger than any other unit in TAW we have a great community and we all started at some place at some time and all units have great leaders in place.
--Where you a WOW player from the old days or did you start with WOW?--
I been playing World Of Warcraft since right after they launched, an old man in my age now I asked why they didn’t have a unit already, well the rest is history and here I am now.
--Are there any other games that you occupy your time with outside of /WOW?--
Yes just got Nucular Dawn [Thanks Ekis!] & World of Tanks [Thanks Subrat!] I also play Age Of Conan & Team Fortress 2. I think playing many games in the community not only lets you see what TAW offers, but keeps you from hitting a wall in your current game you play., it's always nice to have something fresh to play.
--What has been the number one thing about the /WOW division that has kept you coming back to play with TAW?--
Well I have a little quote I like saying and I think everyone should live by it really. “Good Better Best Never Let It Rest Until Your Good Is Your Better & Your Better Your Best"We are constantly growing and learning and I truly believe just when you think your the best at something there's always something new to learn.
--Every member believes his or her division is top dog in TAW, what do you feel sets DOTA/WOW apart from the rest of the clan's divisions?--
Well to be honest we don’t feel we are different from any other division.
--What made your game ‘doable’ to quality for a spin up?--
Due to the fan base of four million subscribers, we like the direction if brings our community and with the new updated attendance policies, makes TAW a more MMO friendly community
--Was the initial spin up process easy?--
With the help of vanguard leaders “Wardy” & “Kingcheese” & our corp commander spin up leader “Doc” there has been allot of positive direction from all chain of command lines, to get the ball going. We have, many returning members from the prior division make this a solid core along with our new Taw blood. Recruits & members themselves really make the end of the day fun & easy.