This is a TAW Community Fund fundraiser to raise needed funds to support the TAW Community Fund and raise additional funds to support TAW’s ongoing activities.
The goal of the “Give Five Campaign” is to have every member in TAW give $5.00+ or to donate for another member that may not be able.
If this was to happen, we wouldn’t have to have another fundraiser for three years. Give Five?
2015 Gross: $4630.25
2016 Gross: $4398.38
2017 Goal /Gross: $6000.00 [WE can do it!]
Start Date: 04/23/2017
Duration: four weeks minimum, six week maximum
Official Give Five Video
Donate by purchasing the official TAW Give Five Tee:
NA Shop
EU Shop
Donate HERE
Good luck and wish the best for TAW Community Fund fundraiser
just donated yia paypal. how's it looking, are we reaching the goal?
We can do this! We can make the goal. If you haven't already, please donate $5 or pick up a Give 5 Shirt from the shop. Then go to the following link to get credit for "giving 5"
Just donated via paypal, what's the update for our goal?
Thank you SnipperRifful :) I think we're around 3500/6000 so still a bit to go unfortunately :(
Hey I donated earlier, I was just wondering how long the tabs will be before they come out. Just so I can make sure I filled the form out.
One week to go and we're just over half. If you haven't already, please help by donating $5 or more, or by buying a Give 5 Shirt from the TAW Shop. If you get stuck or need help, ask your CoC.
Please remember to fill out the form if you Gave 5 or bought a Give 5 Shirt. It's the same form and can be found in the TAW Shop.
@ApatheticSchizoid: The tabs are handed out usually AFTER the event. It takes a little bit of time since Treasury has to issue them to so many members. So if you filled out the form, you'll get one when they hand them out.