Vanguard Newsletter December 2018
The Vanguard Train is pulling into the station once again with all news everyone wants to know. As we enter the month of December, the hard working teams of Battlefield V, Fortnite, DC Universe, and Insurgency Sandstorm have all continued their hard work in Tier 2. Due to their hard work and dedication these teams have been able to achieve great success in TAW and continue their momentum forward, ever forward. As well Vanguard has expanded this month with the addition of some new games and staff.
If there is a game you would like to see in TAW please complete the VG Interest Form. Feel free to contact the Vanguard staff if you have any questions. We also have the game testing channel under the VG HQ. The games in this channel changes from week to week, but check it out and see if the game your playing in there. We use this channel to help us with identifying what games to bring in next. Hop in and find others playing the same games as you, and it shows your support to Vanguard. Make sure to keep up with the Vanguard blog and forum posts to stay updated on upcoming games!
Mandatory Event Times
EU: Sunday and Thursday 14:30 EST
NA: Sunday 20:30 EST
Optional Event Times
NA: Tuesday 21:00 EST
November was a huge month for the BF Division as their game went live. This is potentially one of the best Battlefield games yet. The game delivers an emotional journey through the return of unseen single player War Stories, a deep multiplayer experience, Battle Royale, and more. During the past week, there were some game issues which were fixed to improve gameplay.
December will look promising to this growing division and they prepare for the first Tides of War drop, Chapter 1: Overture..
If anyone is interested in helping this team to be a success in TAW, contact Blwoods, sTim, or any of the Vanguard staff.
NA: Sunday 13:00 - 15:00 EST
EU: Sunday 17:00-19:00 GMT
NA: Thursday 18:00-20:00 EST
EU: Thursday 16:00-18:00 GMT
If you haven’t heard about this game yet, I have to question what rock you’ve been living under. This game is one of the OG’s of Battle Royal which is so popular right now. Streamers, news stations, and other media have created HUGE amounts of attention to this game and “almost” everyone knows of it. It always has fresh game play with new content dropping regularily, weapon buffs, nerfs, and more.
The Fortnite Division has remained steady in pushing recruiting and is looking into tournaments to show this game that TAW Fortnite Team is a force of nature. Despite the setbacks they have had, they will not let is disway them and continue to work hard. November was a time for promotions as 3 are worth mentioning. MooreTTV stepped into his new role as PIA for the Division to help gain the division more publicity. Befouronine has been promoted to HDI and is working hard at recruiting. Finally, Jackel stepped up to be the SO and is looking forward to helping this division succeed.
Season 6 is soon coming to a close and Season 7 will soon be upon us, so break out those wallets and treat yourself to an early Christmas gift.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact any of the Vanguard staff or Zwoggy.
NA: Sunday 20:00-21:00 CST
EU: Sunday 12:00-13:00 CST
NA/EU: Tuesday 14:00-15:00 CST/Thursday 14:00-15:00 CST/Saturday 14:00-15:00 CST
The DC Universe Online Team is still running smoothly, just like the Flash.
For those of you who don’t know about this game yet, it’s a MMORPG that allows you to create your own superhero or villan and play through a series of quests. The game is cross platform, but heads up, TeamSpeak will not work on your PSN as PSN does not support TeamSpeak. You can find the League Recruitment Post here. Run on over to Steam and pick up the game.
In November, the much anticipated expansion came out and it’s been a huge hit. The new area is absolutely fantastic filled with storyline twits and epic battles. The community as a whole, have come to this expansion with positive feedback.
Two promotions from the DCU Division are noteworthy this month. DestroyerPa received his “In Rank” Promotion to Major, and Igneel was recently promoted to the position of HDI and the rank of MGS to go with it. Feel free to give these two a Hoorah when you see them.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Hemphop or any of the Vanguard staff.
NA: Sunday/Wednesday 21:00-22:00 EST
EU: Sunday 20:00-21:00 GMT+1
NA: Thursdays 21:00 EST
EU: Thursdays 20:00 GMT+1
Insurgency Sandstorm is off to a bit of a slow start, but the team isn’t letting that slow them down. Sandstorm is the newest installment in the Insurgency series and is absolutely amazing. A Tactical FPS game, which is similar to it’s predecessor, features a simple HUD. It’s gameplay is intense with weapons being extremely deadly with a high degree of realism. Players can choose the classes and variety of weapons at the beginning of the match and are separated into 2 teams: Insurgents and Security.
You may want to run over to Steam and pick it up as the game is on sale right now for 10% off with the Early Adopter bonus below available until December 12th.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Triskalion or any of the Vanguard staff.
NA: Sunday 16:00-18:00 EST
EU: Sunday 16:00-18:00 EST
Trove was introduced to TAW a few months back, It combines the MMO world with Minecraft, allowing for a fully immersive world limited only to your imagination While the Trovians of TAW have hit a few speed bumps along the way, they are finishing off 2018 with the Club half way through level 4 and are pushing hard for level 5.
The team is currently looking for more solid members willing to step up and join this team and creating a world more interesting than Willy Wonka’s factory, so if you’d love to help out this Division or are interested in the game, make sure to hop up into their Team Speak channel because playing with fellow members is always better than playing alone.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Amathist or any of the Vanguard Horizon staff.
SCUM is an open-world survival game with unprecedented levels of character customization, control, and progression. Knowledge and skill are your ultimate weapons for long-term survival. So if you ever wanted to walk on the “darker side” of life and not actually be incarcerated IRL, this might be a game to look into.
The character customization on this game is INSANE! It can be as basic as you like, or you can spend hours just choosing the right look and specs. While looking over the link already provided, there is so much information and entire blog post could be done on everything from “wetness” to sniping and camo. One thing you have to remember though, is keep an eye on your metabolism, so you gotta stay on that diet
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact OmenRash or any of the Vanguard staff.
NA: Saturday 17:00 EDT
EU: Saturday 20:00 CEST
NA: Wednesday 20:00 EDT & Sunday 20:00 EDT
EU: Wednesday 20:30 CEST & Sunday 20:30 CEST
If you’ve ever wondered what it’d be like to trek across a frozen tundra with people trying to kill you while racing down a snow capped mountain on a snowboard or hang glider, this is the game for you. The amount of gamers playing RoE on a daily basis, is peaking around 50k.
During the month of November, the long awaited (and heavily delayed) EU servers came one line and was a HUGE success. RoE has continued to push with recruiting being a primary focus and their sites locked in on moving to Tier 2. With this, they have been slowly cementing the command structure, but still have some open positions. They know the journey to Tier 2 is going to be hard work, but are up to the challenge. So strap in and prepare for what’s ahead.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact HKone or any of the Vanguard staff.
FallOut76 has their Spin Up meeting on December 1st to kick our month off. This game launched into TAW like a nuclear warhead going off.
FallOut has been a long standing series loved by many. Everywhere you look, someone is playing the game, but this installation is a new kind of beast as it’s adding multiplayer into the game for the first time ever. That’s right, you’ll be able to team up with your fell TAW members or grab some randoms and work on completing quests and causing mayhem.
During November, 2 of the current staff we replaced and it has made a positive difference. Hicalibre transferred in as the NA HDI and Mystweaver enlisted as an EU DI.
Despite some negative reviews and complaints from the Fallout Community, this game is very good. The community is slowly growing and working out some of the bugs so far (nothing game breaking, just don’t be surprised if you end up looking like Slenderman when you occasionally exit out of power armor).
All in all, the FO76 Team is having fun launching nukes and killing giant mutated bats. Feel free to join them up in the Horizon Division for some well needed anarchy.
Oh, we’re not finished yet. There’s still so much more, actually, we’ll just leave you with some of these tears that have been provided. Remember to Plan Your Character.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Kronos or any of the Vanguard staff. Spin Up Meeting was a huge success.
Destiny 2 is one of our newer additions to Vanguard Horizon during the month of November. The DS Division enters in with a full starter team, lead by former CrossOut DO, Redbaby as the SUL. Destiny 2 is an amazing game which focuses on PVX. Whether your fighting your way through the storyline in PVE or going toe to to with other Guardians in PvE, this game has something for everyone. If you like paying a “tank” character, you’ll want to go with the Titan. Like picking your opponents off from afar, the “Hunter” is for you. And if you like healing quickly for both yourself and allies, check out the “Warlock”. Each of these classes have a variety of builds, some support and others offensive. So check it all out.
Right now, the DS Division is hard at work setting up their Discord Servers to aid in recruiting. This is just the start of the mass amounts of organization that they are already showing early. From event dates and times, preplanning badge system, what to do during mandatory events, pushing for in game clan missions for better clan bonuses, and helping get all members up to date in game, this division is hitting the ground running with determination that will shake the cosmos.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Redbaby or any of the Vanguard staff. Also pay attention to the Vanguard blogs as the spin up meeting should be announced soon!
Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the game that breaks our standardization as it’s only available on XBOX and PS4 right now.
Journey back to the wild west as your live the life of a bandit. This is not just your standard wild west game, you’ll actually have to make the decision on whether to shave or not, bathe, help others out or shoot them in the back. NPC’s react to you based on the choices you’ve made in game
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact Natalino or any of the Vanguard staff. Also pay attention to the Vanguard blogs as the spin up meeting should be announced soon!
Star Citizen has found it’s way back to TAW. Star Citizen is a massive multiplayer, space trading, combat game which has been out for a while. The game has had mixed reviews, but has enough interest that we’re giving it another shot. The Spin Up team is currently being put together and interviews have been completed. To give you a little preview of what you’ll be seeing on the screen, check out the gif below.
If anyone is interested in helping this team be a success in TAW, contact any of the Vanguard staff. Also pay attention to the Vanguard blogs as the spin up meeting should be announced soon!