Freedom does not come for free. It has to be fought for and conquered. On this 4th of July may your hearts be filled with love for your nation, compassion for your fellow-Americans and the determination to work hard to make this country better than it already is.
May you have a Happy 4th of July this year and for the many years to come.
Be safe this holiday period and I look forward to seeing everyone again real soon.
I hope that everyone has an amazing Independence Day, and please remember all of the current troops overseas fighting for the right to keep our Country the way it is and please remember all of those before who gave their lives or served.
I appreciate everyone in TAW who has been in the Military. You guys have my respect.
Enjoy your Fourth, use fireworks, grill out, drink if you are of age.
Just enjoy it! =]
o7 and a Hooah to all those brave men and women at home and overseas defending our country day and night.
Have a good Fourth of July everyone!
I'll be in Houston for the celebration...have a happy 4th tomorrow all.
This is America.
0_o I'll actually be in Austin for a wedding
"The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes."
Happy 4th to everyone, be safe and handle your fireworks with care.
happy 4th of July everyone!
Happy 4th guys!
Happy 4th, and thank you to all of our military guys/gals. :D
"At least do it right if you're gonna do it wrong."