This is the first Special Vanguard event in what we hope will be a Trend!!
Any game that is suggested between June 23 to September 22 that comes into Vanguard will be eligible for some Vanguard tabs, a unique tab and badges.
This is to promote TAW, Vanguard, and activity within TAW as a whole. We would like to see you in Vanguard being apart of our growth as a community.
Fill out the Vanguard Interest Form between 6/23/18 to 9/22/18.
Speak with a member of Vanguard about any games you would like to be apart of in TAW.
Be apart of the spin up team once it becomes a full spin up, or launches into an Army Corps.
That’s it!! Everyone apart of any team at those critical moments will be awarded.
Looking to get more games in TAW.
Gain new members for our community.
Larger variety of games to play and enjoy with our fellow TAW members.
To try and get new and different types of games like Racing, Fighting, Sports or Console titles.
Here is a short list of games Vanguard is currently looking at.
If you would like to be apart of this special event, fill out the Vanguard Interest Form and lets have a fun Summer in Vanguard.
Keep the game interests rolling in!
i have an idea if you can wait until 2021. STALKER 2 :D
I know I have talked about this before, but later in its development Quake Champions could work. Perhaps once it is fully f2p and past early acess stage. At the moment though I am not sure it is viable.