Hello all,
I wanted to make an announcement that after a short hiatus for the GFX team. We are back to business as normal.
We have had a few changes to the GFX team. Syndros was in need of some personal time, and has decided to take a break till things clear up for him.
Your current GFX team is MrHeadshot who has accepted the EU CO position (Feel free to kick.....er..congratulate him), Zenmire, and Talisac as GFX DO.
Both Zenmire and MrHeadshot have been in TAW for some time, contributed a lot to our community, and are now willing to help out when it is needed in Graphics. Their help is appreciated greatly, and I am looking forward to all the great art, and graphics they will make for out community going forward.
We are still in need of another person or two for our GFX team. If you, or you know anyone that may have a passion for creating art for our community. Please have them send an email to Talisac@taw.net.
Please feel free to send in your GFX requests here.
Thank you all for your patience and understanding,
~GFX Team