Current Happenings/Updates/News - In-Game:
First major content upgrade:
Current State of the game:
Current Happenings/Updates/News - Division:
The Neverwinter Division is going strong. We had a great response from the community on the initial start up in Vanguard. As we have progressed both as a Division and In-Game we have faced a few hurdles. The main hurdle being the transient community that is present in Free-To-Play MMORPG's. The in-game population fluctuates with activity. Even though the levels of activity have stayed high within the game itself, we find that people randomly come and go. With this in mind we have finally reached a level in the Division where we have a solid member base with steady activity. This is due to the evolution of our recruitment process and the dedication of the members of this fine Division that I am proud to be a part of.
As a Division we decided that the best route to recruit from the Neverwinter Community was to immerse ourselves in it. With this in mind we have implemented a process of offering a helping hand. Instead of repeating guild recruitment posts into the general zone chat, we chose to enter the various locations within the game and offer our services to assist people with their quests or to run them through the appropriate dungeons for their level. Whilst doing this we keep a friendly and upbeat attitude and try to teach them about how the specific mechanic we are participating in works. During this process we give them information on our community, our website, and invite them to TeamSpeak. We have found this to be a successful procedure.
At our current rate we hope to steadily increase our Division membership to a greater number while keeping activity up.
Other events we have consist of our weekly mandatory events. Thanks to our dedicated Command Staff, these events have taken a life of their own. We range from the basic dungeon run, to treasure hunts, hide and seek, relay races, timed dungeons, and many other great ideas. We try and offer rewards to the in-game team that wins these aforementioned events, usually in the form of in-game currency. The feedback has been great so far.
We also concluded a recruiting event where each person in the TAW Community that recruited a new member into our Neverwinter Division received a ticket per recruit for a raffle. The requirements were that the new recruit must be a member for at least thirty days. We draw the winners for this on Saturday, August 31st, 2013, the prizes will be in the form of game shop cash known as Zen, we have three thousand and five hundred Zen points to give out, this is approximately thirty five dollars worth of game shop currency.
In addition to the above, we have added various guides to our forums and wiki to assist with dungeons and character builds. If anyone has suggestions, or needs assistance, please contact a Neverwinter member and we will gladly offer help.
In conclusion, the TAW community has been very welcoming and supportive to the Neverwinter Division, and we would like to say thank you for that. We will continue to uphold the high standards of TAW, and hope to be a prosperous and respected member of this fine community.
So please come out and join us in-game, or just in TeamSpeak to chat, everyone is welcome.
Thank you and take care,
Neverwinter Division Commander, 6th Corps
The Art Of Warfare
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