It’s that time of year again folks, where we do the biggest annual kick off, one that’s more important than the Superbowl! That’s right, the Give 5 Fundraiser!
The Art of Warfare does not charge membership fees or dues. TAW is also in a steady trend of growth and we don’t see that changing in the near future. Where will we be in size next year at this time? Larger..guaranteed and for that, we thank you. YOU make TAW what it is. We offer an online gaming organization based on servant leadership and volunteerism. From the website to the management of the servers, to the promotion of our community and your divisions, to the graphics being takes people and time. Our goal is to perpetuate our great community well beyond our years here
It all goes back to our community, to our TAW Family.
Provided by
How Do I Make A Donations *VERY IMPORTANT*
When you go to the Donations page, click on the “Give Five Logo” on the right of the donation buttons.
Donations must be made to the Community fund [as a one-time or recurring donation].
To connect your donation to your TAW Callsign:
If paid by logging into your PayPal account, you must click on the “Return to Merchant” button and you will be directed to a form to fill out to put in your real name used on your PayPal account and your TAW Callsign. This must be completed to link YOU to the YOU in TAW.
If you did not log into PayPal and just paid with a credit card, PUT YOUR TAW EMAIL AS YOUR EMAIL.
Form to link your TAW Member name to your RL name
Donate by purchasing the official TAW Give 5 Tee/Hoodie: By purchasing a product from the EU or NA TAW Shop with the Give 5 Logo on it, it will qualify as if you have donated $5. Please fill in the Give 5 Shop Verification Form if you have purchased a product with the Give 5 Logo on it.
Greetings Everyone,
Saturday, 30th of March, will be TAW@WAR tournament for 2019!
Can’t wait to see the teams battle it out for the top spot! If you did not sign up, feel free to spectate and meet some new people!
Check the “[MMD] Events” TS channel for final details. We look forward to seeing you there!
Today is the last day to sign up for the TAW@WAR tournament as a [solo or group].
Places are filling up fast, so be sure to complete the registration form by the end of today!
We are eagerly waiting to see who will become the TAW@WAR champion!!
We are hosting practice days for everyone who wants to join. These days are Saturday the 16th and Saturday the 23rd both starting at 8PM CET/2PM CST.
Its a good way to know your opponents and work together with your team.
See you at the practice days and at TAW@WAR ofc.
Update 1.2: The mode that will be played is 5v5 Capture the flag. Feel free to practice with your team this mode.
If you have questions about the TAW@WAR events, feel free to come to us.
Happy gaming and GL!
Tournament Teams are up -
Be sure to check out your teams! Not to late to register; sign up as a team or a solo!
As it's March 1st, practice is open!
Our events team is still setting up our private server, but if you would like to practice on a public server, you are more than welcome.
Happy gaming!
The spring of 2019 TAW@WAR is about to begin! Be ready to dominate 30th of March @ 20:00 CEST/1:00pm CST.
What is TAW@WAR? A TAW-Wide Tournament for members to participate and determine who is a gaming champion amongst all participating members! To insure no one has an advantage, the battlefield will be wiped clean as a non-TAW game will be selected; specifically a game that is F2P and PvP based. Along with bragging rights, the winner(s) also receive the coveted TAW-Wide Tournament Medal. This medal is exclusive as it is only awarded to two people or teams per YEAR. The Commander in Chief of TAW will present the medal to you directly, accompanied with the 5-star line shared with all other CIC awarded medals.
This spring, the selected game is…Unreal Tournament an epic FPS with the world of a old cartoon. The event will be streamed on Members are divided into a 5 member team v 5 member team with single elimination matches in a bracket style; which means the team that wins best 2 out of 3 will move on to the next round. The Team or Solog sign-up is NOW OPEN.
Practices may begin 1st of March ! Please do not start until then :)
Game Rules and Reminders:
General Rules and Reminders:
If you cannot attend and have signed up please let SOCOP staff know, as soon as possible.
If you are signed up as a group, and come time to play, one of your members have failed to show up, it is your responsibility to find a proper replacement, or your team will be disqualified.
Games are to be recorded or streamed with a member of SOCOP or a TFO as referee's.
Code of Ethics are to be reflected at all times when playing
Prepare for Battle!
Hey guys!
Social Operations (SOCOP) is currently looking for active members who would be interested in taking over a position as PIA liaison.
If you decide to transfer, your duties will include but not be limited to assisting Army divisions with their social media output as well as helping them organize events.
You will be working closely with the divisions (acting) PIA and also help finding a suitable member for this position if a division doesn't have the PIA position filled.
For more detailed information, you can always contact us on Teamspeak, for further questions. Please email and .
Thank you and have a good one!
MrRolandos [SOCOP XO] & nonameboyz [PIA Platoon Leader]
Please fill out this form for us to investigate how members are recruited to our great community.
If you've done it in the past, no worries..its recorded.
Here is an ongoing look at the results:
Hello fellow members of TAW,
Friday 15 March 2019 officially marks the 18th birthday of our great community. On March 15th of 2001, the first website for TAW was launched thus creating a great history of Honor, Friendship, Loyalty and Fairplay.
Although many members have come and gone, every single one has contributed to our continued success. Look for a Birthday channel up in the lobby and/or in the TAW Leadership channels.
Be sure to lift a glass, share with friends and celebrate this astonishing accomplishment.
The TAW SHOP has been around for quite some time. Some people know of it, and to some, it may come as a surprise that we actually have our own store.
So for those who are new, or wondering, here's some stuff you should know about the TAW Shop:
TAW Shop, the apparel store for all things TAW related. Whether it's buying yourself a T-Shirt, coffee mug, or a baseball hat, we have it all. Our line up is always growing, and each purchase made by our TAW members does in fact have a positive effect on our community. So to help us help you, we're bringing back the advertising on the promotions from the TAW Shop, so you, our members, can find the best ways to save and get yourself some serious swag in the process. And we're going to kick this off right!!!
PROMO DATES: March 6-10
So when you're done, don't forget to head on over to the Verification Link and fill it out so we can issue you a TAW Swagster Tab for your TAW Profile. Tabs will be issued once purchase has been verified and shipped.
Only 2 days left! Do not miss out on this deal!